Metolius super awesome fun time


Active member
My bud and I hiked into the "wild and scenic" section of the the Metolius last weekend for two days of nonstop fly fishing.Saturday was windy but othrewise nice,so many nice trout landed that we lost count. More in one day than all the other times I have fished there, combined! I got schooled by a monster,two minutes of heart stopping runs before he snapped my three pound tippet! Sunday was a much tougher day,I hooked three and landed one,skunks butt for my bud.Most were fooled by a special nymph, tied by mitch,at two rivers fly shop:D
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gorgeous fish man,,,even the dog had to get a peek:lol::lol: i can't wait to get over to the metolius and put on a fly assault good job
No,the river is not very wader friendly in that area.However,being able to stand a little bit off the bank is a huge advantage in brushy spots, that most pass by.But it is very cold and swift water, and slick as he#@.Not a good place to see if you can swim with waders on!
Gotcha... I gues I'd have to pick up a few more star-cleats 'fore I head out there.

I guess, really I was asking about bank-access, versus boat access.
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