Mac 'n cheese?

Was just told that I'm free to leave work in 30 minutes, and so I'm going to hit up the McKenzie. Anyone been up there recently? It's been about a month since I was last up there, I don't even have all my gear good to go, but I figure some yarnballs and jigs and a couple floats and I'll be good. Moving is an evil evil process that has killed my oppurtunities to fish, but alas, I am free to spend every last minute I'm not at work on a river again.

Was just wonderin' if anyone has pulled anything grill worthy out of there recently? One of my patients said he and his buddy limited on chinook three days in a row and brought home three steelhead as well...he is not a reputable source lol, major participant of B.S. I ran into him on the Siuslaw this last winter, and he didn't have a clue what he was doin', and tried to claim his son's catch as his own. So I'm taking his report with a grain of salt, and assuming that the Chinook fishin' is pretty slow up there by now. Maybe not...

I'm gonna do the steelhead dance.
Salmon are around but are not in the biting mood it seems. I have fished for salmon twice and only hooked one. The steelhead are moving through pretty good and there are a lot of fresh (non recycled) fish in the McKenzie. We have been hooking multiple steelhead every time out but the last time I went it was 106 degrees and I could not get one to bite, all I had was one follow on a spinner. It should be good now that the temp has dropped outside. Good luck!
Well this is anti-climatic. Got home to get my gear, and getting out of my truck I heard a loud pop, and instant pain shooting down my back into my leg. No fishing for me today. I could do it but I work a 12 tomorrow and I will be hating life as it is. Not sure what I did, but my back is defective. Maybe next week I'll get out there. This is getting depressing, I need to put something on my tag, it's been a few months.
Man that blows. I feel ya on the back pain. Too bad it had to happen on your afternoon off. Get better quick!
Yup. Blows a lot. I took a couple thousand mg's of ibuprofen and tylenol and used enough icy hot that I regret not owning stock in the company, and now that I smell like an old person, I am spending my afternoon tying up egg patterns and jigs, so it's not entirely wasted (just mostly, as I started the day with no shortage of jigs or glo bugs)...just very, very frustrating.
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