Love the rain

How about all this rain we are getting, with it raining this much we should see a hole bunch of fish in the rivers real soon. All this rain is going to help out a lot and get us some fresh salmon rolling through. Everyone be carefull out there this much rain should have the rivers on the rise and can be scetchy trying to get around on the water. Remember to take your rain gear out there to so all this rain don't get you all wet.

Oh wait thats right we aren't getting any rain. Thats what we get for listening to the weather guy.
What part of portland do you live in? Not a cloud in the sky in Gresham.
If it rains Too much, Chocolate milk Rivers. :D
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How about all this rain we are getting, with it raining this much we should see a hole bunch of fish in the rivers real soon. All this rain is going to help out a lot and get us some fresh salmon rolling through. Everyone be carefull out there this much rain should have the rivers on the rise and can be scetchy trying to get around on the water. Remember to take your rain gear out there to so all this rain don't get you all wet.

Oh wait thats right we aren't getting any rain. Thats what we get for listening to the weather guy.

And speaking of the weather guy; what occupation allows someone to be wrong 90% of the time? I'm an electrician, imagine if I were wrong 90% of the time!
Yea I agree Bigdog. Saturday was a big disappointment (thanks Zaffino :P). Which is probably why Sunday was a disappointment on the water.

What part of portland do you live in? Not a cloud in the sky in Gresham.
If it rains Too much, Chocolate milk Rivers. :D

Oh wait thats right we aren't getting any rain. Thats what we get for listening to the weather guy.
I know it's blue skies out I was being smart @$$

And speaking of the weather guy; what occupation allows someone to be wrong 90% of the time?

You know thats what I'm wanting to know.

We haven't gotten nearly enough rain yet...
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming? I'm still waiting for it to start.
i think dudeyoung will agree with me when i say it rained plenty on Saturday !

Raining right now too!

Hey where have you been man? Nice to see you out and about again. Whats on your sat line up? I'm hoping to get LittleDawg in to some fish this weekend.
Hey where have you been man? Nice to see you out and about again. Whats on your sat line up? I'm hoping to get LittleDawg in to some fish this weekend. fishin'...

ill be on the wilson, trask, or the salmon on Saturday....if im still kickin'! fishin'...

ill be on the wilson, trask, or the salmon on Saturday....if im still kickin'!

Well hell you been coastal fishing lately huh? How has it been going out that way.
We been doing good on the sandy but now the most of them that are there are getting a little color to them.
Ya it's been dumping hard here in Beaverton. The coastal rivers are a callin'!! Looking at the radar the end of the steady rain is about an hour away from Beaverton. Not sure how much we have had here but I'm thinking by noon I will have had easily .50 - 3/4 inch. This next week should be fun if I can get outta the house.
Well we are getting the rain but now the thing is is it to late?

Kinda depends on what rivers your fishing. Should get fresh fish in on the coast but I think the sandy, clack and ec are about done.
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