Lookout Res. 02-06-2010

Fished lookout from 11:30 until 3ish. Me and my fishing buddy had the lake to ourselves for a bit than mosd showed up along with a guy and his kid and there alumaweld. Guy didn't have a trolling plate so was jigging with no luck. Not sure how mosd did but he sure has a nice boat. I got one chinook that My aunt happily accepted for dinner. Rained a bit wasn't to choppy. Water temp was 44* and it was about that outside. Nice to meet ya mosd you should come to the Fish OFF at the end of march. Think I'm done with the wet cold trolling for a bit.
hey nice meeting yea, andy. we ended up going past where you turned around back towards the end of the lake, and trolled in bout 10' foot of water, got a nice chinook, but it has parasites all over the gills so i didn't want to deal with it and tossed it back, caught it on a doc shelton with a copper thomson buoyant on the end, took the boat up the river for bout 100yds but then turned around cause water was too shallow and didn't want to harm the boat
yea you missed out, it absolutely poured out there. but dont care, hittin the santiam tomorrow for some steelhead
Nice least you got something. Yeah it wa a rough drive back to ramp in the chop and the rain. Was nice again when i was pulling out. Last time I was on that end we went up into 4' of water and some current befor we turned around. How far back did you put that spoon behind the doc shelton? I have some docs just never use em. Good luck out there. Make sure you don't miss the super bowl.
Good jobs Guys!
I glad to see people hitting LookOut.
I wanted to join you all but I had on line mid terms plus a shopping trip to Costco.
Tomorrow I will be there for sure.
Good luck out there today!

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