Lookout Point 1/22/10

grampa ron
BD2Cool and I went to Lookout today. The ramp was cleared and the lake was glass. It did start raining a bit but not too bad. I C&R 6 small Chinooks. Bob hooked about as many, but none to the boat. Thanks to Bob for taking me.
Hey it was nice meeting you guys out there. I didn't do as good but I did waste a bunch of time trying to get the big fish my finder shows in the bottom half of the screen with the downriggers. I got one fish after my little cleo caught my other line. after getting the cleo off the line I notice the line was shot so I bit it off and pulled the fender back to the boat and got an 11" chinook. Like he said water was nice and little rain but was sunny when I left.
Hmm, I wonder what those bigger fish are?
Tell the truth Ron-I did land one-just because it was small and hard to see it still counts!:lol:
It was very nice to meet you Andy-very cool pup you got!:)

I had a good time too Ron-we are two for two on our trips-no skunk yet!
How is that lake with a pontoon? Do they stock it with rainbows? I might try out a lake while im in the area next month.
Very smart fish...

Very smart fish...

TTFishon said:
Hmm, I wonder what those bigger fish are?

Those blips on your screen are in fact - FISH, very smart fish. That is why they are so big. They can be caught on a regular basis if you are patient, sounds like most members that fish Lookout and Hills Creek know the right lure to use...it now comes down to boat speed.

How is that lake with a pontoon? Do they stock it with rainbows?
If the wind not blowing and the chop is down it is a great lake for a pontoon.
You don't have to go far from the ramp to find fish.
The waters above the lake is stock bit I don't think that the lake itself is stocked but I have been wrong before.:D
Lookout Point fishing

Lookout Point fishing

Lookout is the largest reservoir in Oregon. When it is full it's 18mi long. It can get very windy and rough. If the weather is like today, there is no reason you couldn't use a pontoon there. We probably trolled close to 10mi. today. It is not stocked at all. The fish are self propigating. It has to be one of the most under fished lakes in the state. It probably holds a state record for all the warm water fish. According to the state biologist there are Walley reproducing there also.

Good Luck. Let us know how you do.
Thanks for all the great info. Its not a high elevation lake is it?
No,its not-the dam is at 911 feet
Ahah boat speed going to have to play with that. Thanks she my new fishing partner. complains less than most.


Just like there counter parts, they love to chase there lunch. About twice as fast as you would troll for Trout....I troll for them at around 2.5 - 4 mph, if you want the smaller ones treat them like Trout...slower is better.

Troutski said:
Just like there counter parts, they love to chase there lunch. About twice as fast as you would troll for Trout....I troll for them at around 2.5 - 4 mph, if you want the smaller ones treat them like Trout...slower is better.


What about jigging? Like Throbbit Shane, I was thinking about taking my toon there and giving that a try.
Someone gave up trolling at hillscreek and started jigging bam i think he had like an 18 nook or so. I will troll faster getting tired of the little ones but a bunch of them sure do my smoker justice.
When the lake is full I have had very good luck with jigging at the dam but I have not tried it in the winter-not for sure why I have not try it in the winter.

By the way when the lake is full there are three more ramp open-
BLACK CANYON-on the river-past the rail road bridge
HAMPTON LANDING-Upper end by the rail road bridge
MERIDIAN PARK- By the dam.
What would be a good jig to try?
I used spoons.
Gold,copper,chome,rainbow has all work for me. I start aroung 40 to 50 feet and work my way up.
I had a buddy that would start at the bottom and go up from there.
Both ways has work.
By the way he used both a crappie and squid jigs and did as good as I did with spoons.
Look out Squaw fish

Look out Squaw fish

Am I the only one who catches huge squaw fish in lookout? Troll down 20 feet or so along the cliffs across from the ramp and you'll get some nice fights. Biggest one I've caught so far was about 6 lbs. I've lost a few big ones I never even got to lay eye's on.
Big Eyes...

Big Eyes...

Banjo said:
Am I the only one who catches huge squaw fish in lookout? Troll down 20 feet or so along the cliffs across from the ramp and you'll get some nice fights. Biggest one I've caught so far was about 6 lbs. I've lost a few big ones I never even got to lay eye's on.

Don't forget about the Walleye in that lake, you could be hooking one of them. Very productive body of water, and very under fished:cool: Tight lines...

sshhhh no fish in lookout.

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