Look at this beast!

I went down to the Elkton area today to fish with my girlfriend's uncle. I got zilch but Uncle Razor got this monster...Biggest trout I've seen(probably not sayin much)..We had heard they dropped a bunch of big pellet heads so I was surprised to see it was wild in the pics....(I was so excited I forgot to look)


Caught bobber fishin' eggs and powerbait..(then released) I wish my boat wasn't all tore up or I'd go troll there tomorrow...
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That's a pig for sure! I doubt it is a wild fish, most hatcherys don't clip their trout, even brooders. From the looks of how beat up that tail is, and the opaque coloration, I would bet it is a hatchery brooder, but a great fish none the less.
That's a pig for sure! I doubt it is a wild fish, most hatcherys don't clip their trout, even brooders. From the looks of how beat up that tail is, and the opaque coloration, I would bet it is a hatchery brooder, but a great fish none the less.

I was wondering if they clip the ones they use for spawning....she was full of eggs and dropped a bunch on the dock.
Definitely a Nice trout for sure. With how tattered the dorsal fin and the tail are that fish is a hatchery fish, But that doesn't make it less of a nice fish..
just curious, did someone put this pic on the first forum page or is it automatically put up there?

"that doesn't make it less of a nice fish"

I think it would be much cooler if it were wild! (or if I had been the one to catch it!)
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That's a huge freakin trout! Nice job!

The way his eyes look and how there is no slime left on him makes him look like he's been dead awhile. haha. Am I wrong?
You got me Mike! That fish was stuffed and I broke HER off the wooden plaque.......no seriosly she took a few seconds to revive but swam away all good...She did roll around on a dirty dock so slime would be tough to see...
Looking at that blunt nose and rubbed off tail it is deffinetely a brooder! Looks like Loon lake in the background maybe?
Not Loon Lake but if someone guesses I'll tell......Thanks for all the props, but Uncle Razor caught her....I just unhooked her for him(had plyers handy)...
WE HAVE A WINNER! Way to go Mad Dog! Sutherlan is pretty dam close to Elkton is it not?
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Last October i fished Cooper Creek for the first time. I hooked into 2 larger trout toward the back of the lake on the boat dock, both trout broke my line though.... I still want to go back and catch a trout instead of the blue gills that we were catching. Also i want to fish Ben Irving by winston, i drove by it just to check it out, seems like a nice lake.

Btw nice fish :)
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