Leaving tomorrow to try to catch the salmonfly hatch!

I leaving tomorrow till sunday to try to hit the hatch. I'm stoked, I haven't been fly fishing since march in montana. The weathers good and hopefully if all goes well we will get some gugs in the air and some fish on our lines. I will take pics and give you guys a report when I get back.
Good luck!!!! Remember watch for the rattlers in the clumps of grass at the waters edge.....
good luck ! can't wait for pictures!
good deal, I'll be rollin' into warmsprings saturday am, maybe I'll see you along the river.

keep your eyes open for my camo ducks cap. . . .

I'll try to get some photos as well.
so i'm back from my trip. the bugs are out but they aren't flying around much. the weather was nice and sunny friday and saturday but rained saturday night and sunday. The water is a little off color and very high. Give it a week and it should get better. the fishing overall was ok, they are mainly taking nymphs. The dry flying was good from 2 to 5pm. I caught most of my fish fishing tight to the bank.
Hm, yer photos unfortunately aren't showing up - try using Tinypic.com or photobucket to host your pix?
Hey you never said where you were on the Deschutes. I was camped at Trout Creek Friday and Saturday and wanted to stay till Sunday but a huge thunderstorm squelched that idea. We were out of beer anyway.
so as you go over the bridge in maupin you make a right and drive to the last camp ground on the right. sorry about the pics ill figure it out.
i dont know how to post pics off photobucket
That would be Mecca Flats. I was about 6 or 7 miles down stream from you. I did not see any salmon flies and I fished with a nymph without any luck. I'd give it at least another week. Look for reports from down river as the hatch will make it's way up from that direction.
flytrekker1007 said:
so as you go over the bridge in maupin you make a right and drive to the last camp ground on the right. sorry about the pics ill figure it out.

actually that would be 'devils canyon' if it's that last site on the access road before the locked gate, sounds like 'onthefly' was at fish creek.

glad you got into some fish, would like to see some pics.

I was at mecca, and the salmonflys were on the grass by the tens. . . or fives, it's the start.
the small black stones were out crawling around too.
all the fish I got were obese with nymphs, should be awesome topwater action in a couple weeks.


Opps, I guess I read wrong. I thought I heard Warm Springs.
it was devils canyon.
I'm with you now on the location. That's our favorite place to camp when we raft in the summer. Great back eddy there. Were all your fish taken with salmon fly nymphs? Gotta love those Redds!!!
Ohhhh, those Redsides are pretty fish!

they were on adult salmon flies
OnTheFly said:
I'm with you now on the location. That's our favorite place to camp when we raft in the summer. Great back eddy there. Were all your fish taken with salmon fly nymphs? Gotta love those Redds!!!
Oh Jeez. I was afraid of that. Here it is game on and I'm stuck at home this week end.:rolleyes:
I was talking to a guide and he told me about the second week of June will be the best time to fish. The fish are going to best stuffed full of salmon flies up to that point and after the flies are starting to diminish the fish will be eager to strike at whatever hits the surface.
I wouldn't wait that long. . . get it while the gettins good, those redsides tend to get obese and lazy towards the end of the hatch, not to mention a little picky. good fishing can be by the day or by the hour. . . when the fish are looking up, be there if you can.

It's just the start of the fun, we have a month to find the "GOLDEN DAY" of ultimate top water fishing, I'm sure at least one of us will experience it. . ( hopefully a few of us )

good job on the photo post btw
how long have you been fly fishing, and how many times have you had that golden day?
jimmy said:
I wouldn't wait that long. . . get it while the gettins good, those redsides tend to get obese and lazy towards the end of the hatch, not to mention a little picky. good fishing can be by the day or by the hour. . . when the fish are looking up, be there if you can.

It's just the start of the fun, we have a month to find the "GOLDEN DAY" of ultimate top water fishing, I'm sure at least one of us will experience it. . ( hopefully a few of us )

good job on the photo post btw

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