Lakes with good bank access for early April?

Hey everyone! Just found this forum and have been looking through all the great posts and wonderful advice. I live east of Portland and usually fish the stocked lakes starting in June. This is the first year I will have the chance to start fishing this early in the season. I don't have access to a boat and would like any tips you might have on lakes in the Willamette zone and/or Northwest zone that have good bank fishing access. Also what bait and rigs seem to work best this time of the year? I'll be taking my friends 12 year old son with me this weekend and am trying to figure out places to go. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hagg lake has TON'S of diffrent bank spots, you can fish at any of the boat ramps, or the dam, or MANY of the other spots, just drive around the lake, and if you see a trail you can hike down it and fish!
What bait / rig works best this time of year? Powerbait, worms, spinners? Or should I just try them all? Did this used to be called Scoggins lake? I seem to remember goin' here when I was a kid (some 30+ years ago). If this is the same place, it just had pan fish back then but it was still a heck of a lot of fun!
well the lake is reall slow right now but i would try spinners, and if that dosen't work switch up to chartrusse powerbait in that little cove right across the damn.
good luck.
another good spot is the lakes on mt hood. thay provide excellent fishing in the summer:cool:
Thanks for all the info. I went to Hagg lake a week ago Saturday and it was slow for everybody from the bank. There is lots of bank access all over the place so I can see how it would get heavily used throughout the summer. I usually do fish Mt. Hood's lakes when the snow melts off. I hit Trillium heavily in late June through end of August and I fish Timothy and Frog and others. I'm looking for places with decent bank access that I can start fishing now until the mountain lakes start heating up. Any others besides Hagg that you would recommend? I wouldn't even mind driving all the way to the coast or south and/or east of Salem if they are nice relaxing places with a fair amount of bank access. Thanks for any recommendations.

Try St. Louis Ponds, Vernonia Pond, Commonwealth Pond, or Junction City Pond. All have good bank access and regular stockings. Just check the state website or the Oregonian Outdoors section.
Thanks! I'll check them out. I might try to go tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. Now if I can just find my darn camera I'll try to get some pics too.

Camera's the best stringer I ever had!
mitymo said:
Hey everyone! Just found this forum and have been looking through all the great posts and wonderful advice. I live east of Portland and usually fish the stocked lakes starting in June. This is the first year I will have the chance to start fishing this early in the season. I don't have access to a boat and would like any tips you might have on lakes in the Willamette zone and/or Northwest zone that have good bank fishing access. Also what bait and rigs seem to work best this time of the year? I'll be taking my friends 12 year old son with me this weekend and am trying to figure out places to go. Thanks in advance for any help.
Salish Ponds is te best plave ive ever fished at for trout. Its right off Glisan its its PACKED with trout. Go there on May 12 and hook into A MONSTER!!!!!!!:clap::clap:

But what you should use is Green power eggs and a 2 foot leader cast 20-30 feet from shore.
I'll have to try there too. Looks like they are scheduled to put a few brooders in there that week also. Trillium gets stocked that same week also. I never miss fishing Trillium when it first gets stocked. I may even have to try to get in there earlier than that. I have heard a few stories about how the holdovers from winter bite pretty aggressively if you can get in there right when the road gets passable. I think I'm gonna try Vernonia Pond tomorrow and if no luck there I'll head back to Hagg. Will try to update you on fishing forecast if I can. Thanks.


PS: Can anyone tell me what Harriet is like? Bank access ok? I might try to hit there the next stretch of nice weather we have.
lots of bank access at Harriet.

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