Kids' 5 minutes of fame

went in search for some steel yesterday.....My buddy got into a nice cookie cutter steely on roe.
My other buddy hooked a 16 or so pound dark nook while drifting eggs. the fish tore off down river. around the next bend two guys and a kid were fishing. while working the fish over, he hears them say "we have been here sense 6am and havent gotta bite" buddy emiedietly hands the rod over to the 6 year old son.
he will never forget this..............
P.S. after landing it, the guy decided to let his son take it home... can if he wants its legal.....i wouldnt have...little dark for
it was awesome!!!!!! im sure his dad will never hear the end of it "dad...remember that day i caught that bigger fish than you did!!"
That was an awesome gesture, to let that little dude bring that in.

Now, we have yet another fishing addict who has joined our ranks!
Yup, that is way cool.

Fishin on crowded rivers wouldn't be any problem at all if everyone would take a lesson from you guys. Very cool....
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