Just a rant.

Well-known member
I took a journey to my ol' favorite fishin' grounds yesterday. Down to the Sandy River below Lewis and Clark Park. I hadnt been down when the water was this low for a long time. Got down to the river, and it was like a whole new river! Where the water had been 50ft. across before, it was now easily 100ft.. The old plunkin' hole is gone at the Burn Barrell. Hell the burn barrell itself is gone. The faster float water above that hole has moved elsewhere. The drift hole below the old plunkin' hole is gone, it's now a huge sand/silt flat that extends about 75ft from the old bank. The new plunking hole has moved about 100yds. upriver, just below the railroad bridge.
Granted the water was up a little, but woah...trees everywhere in the water, well mostly rootballs!
I walked down the bank, at least a 1/2 mile, floating a jig the whole way. I walked back up that 1/2 mile tossin spinners, snaggin every cast, thankfully, I had 20lb braid on and I didn't lose any hardware. I was however pickin corkies outta the bushes like they were cherries! When I split, I stopped by that tackle shop to grab a Coke. As my luck would have it, they were outta Coke...and everything else in the fountain. I was offered a water though:confused:...When outta the corner of my eye, I spotted a spinner body that looked like it belonged in my "body bag". When I got inside the joint, there was nothing but a few racks of blades, and even fewer bodies. But they had the ones I wanted. Just not the color I wanted. Gottem anyways!:D

I guess down there it is definitely a wader show now, as it now looks like tide water at the coast...
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so ahhh... you going to show just what body it was that caught your discerning eye?
You have to show us--please
Here ya go...

Here ya go...

Ok, here is the body style I picked up, already got a first draft...:think:
And the body style from the other day, can't remember where I grabbed 'em...
The one on the left is from that tackle shop. The one on the right, the blade is one i have never seen before, and I have yet to see how it will swim, but it looks cool. I know I know, cool doesn't catch fish...style points??
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10 points!:D
Fishtopher said:
Ok, here is the body style I picked up, already got a first draft...:think:
And the body style from the other day, can't remember where I grabbed 'em...
The one on the left is from that tackle shop. The one on the right, the blade is one i have never seen before, and I have yet to see how it will swim, but it looks cool. I know I know, cool doesn't catch fish...style points??

So where did this picture go? Would love to see it!:D Thought it was kinda funny it was deleted on my join date. But no hard feeling I like to see what others can do as well.
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i dont remember which bodies i got.

i also dont remember what i edited the post for, but i doubt it had anything to do with you.:lol:

i'll get that pic back up when get around to hooking up my internet from my ps3 back to my pc.

did ya get any coke yet?
No of course not you just came back to it and edited the post 3 months later with no posts inbetween and it just happens to be missing the picture as of my join date.... I could care less I just thought it was funny Heck if you could remember that particular color that you wanted that we didn't have I may be able to sample you some out.

As for the coke, ya we have it but it comes and it goes as the customers drink it:)

i guess since you happen to be reading posts that are 10 months old you'll probably come across a few of my posts that are edited later. and while you're checkin in to it see if i deleted all my attachments around the same time.

Im still sure it had nothing to do with you. And they were just brass bodies that were the same as the painted ones on the table.
Relax its all just an observation just like your post was an observation of me and my shop. I dont know you so I have no reason to check up on you. Like i said I could care less I thought it was funny! I just done know many people that edit posts three months after any one has looked at them. Especially on the same day the person you are talking disfavorably about signs on as a member.

Besides when there are only two pages on my home river it is easy to go through them all in a few days. Dont flatter your self to think I am checking up on you. I guess maybe I am like every one else, I take notice when I am being talked about in a disfavorable way. And some times it is easy to talk about "that tackle shop" when you are on the outside looking in and not the one running it and paying the bussiness payment in a detiorating economy.

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Jacks Tackle said:
Relax its all just an observation just like your post was an observation of me and my shop. I dont know you so I have no reason to check up on you. Like i said I could care less I thought it was funny! I just done know many people that edit posts three months after any one has looked at them. Especially on the same day the person you are talking disfavorably about signs on as a member.

Besides when there are only two pages on my home river it is easy to go through them all in a few days. Dont flatter your self to think I am checking up on you. I guess maybe I am like every one else, I take notice when I am being talked about in a disfavorable way. And some times it is easy to talk about "that tackle shop" when you are on the outside looking in and not the one running it and paying the bussiness payment in a detiorating economy.

if i wasn't using a playstation remote as a keyboard id participate in youre web battle, for sure. till later man.
Web battle? How old are you?
youre arguing with the 12 yr old in the picture on the left.
It's in the genes

It's in the genes

Fishtopher said:
youre arguing with the 12 yr old in the picture on the left.

He's right you know,I saw the chin whiskers....he looks more like 15 1/2 now..such a cutie-patootie...:lol::lol::lol:;)
Sure, And I have a chipmunk sleeping on my Lip right now.
Troutier Bassier said:
Sure, And I have a chipmunk sleeping on my Lip right now.

I just thought you had lollipop residue on your upper lip and your nose hair kept falling out....... my bad.
"you can please some of the people , some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time"

the guy who said that also was a member of a circus.;)

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