It;s getting close

:clap::clap::clap:Does anyone know if the crappie are biting at the middle fork bridge of hills creek res.yet? I plan on trying next thursday late afternoon.I,m thinking 4 or 5 days of warm weather will get them going.I don't know what the water level is,it should be about right.If anyone has info. Would appreciate update. :clap:
Welcome to the forum. I chuckled when I saw your screen name. Maybe we should start a support group?

I've not fished for Crappie in Hills Creek. But it sounds like a great place to go. And I bet that you're right. Water everywhere has been too cold for most types of fishing lately. But a warm up, will get it going.

Good luck, and let us know how you do.

Crane magic

Crane magic

:think::clap:Was fishing Crane Prairie Wed. 27th early morning.Caught 2 nice Brookies 1 pound and half, Thought that was nice one.Ten minutes later hooked 2and half pounder.IT was HUGE,Could"nt believe girth and fat on this pig.Was using small bit of chartrues power bait and quarter nitecrawler inflated just off bottom.Both thier guts were full of light green water bug about the size of a nickle and a couplestickle back.Then the wind came up,got pretty ruff.When I go back I'll be looking for some of those bugs near shore on drift wood.
I've read on another forum that crappie up to 12" have been caught on parts of the Snake River, & in Brownlee when the water level was higher.

Best of Luck to you bro. :)
Tell me if i'm Wrong, But we need to share informatoin just alittle bit more to make each persons outing fruitfull.With WORK SKEDULES, FUEL PRICES, TIME TO AND FROM let alone BYING THE WRONG STUFF. I beileve ITS TIME TO SPEAK UP. Its different if your fishing the puddle behind the old log scale shack off HWY 58 in Dexter. But if your fishing in Look Out Point Res., or Umpqua,Columbia River.I would like to know WHEN WHERE & HOW every few days it changes. I just joined this forum,maybe I didn't look hard enough but I don't see it. It seems to me this is a place to share what we have learned. Get back on here and say DUDE you were right just like you said. Sorry just saying.
New thread

New thread

BTW, when you start a whole new thread, you should post in under the correct heading and not the same one as before. They are 2 different topics, so 2 different threads. Not trying at all, to sound harsh. Just pointing out how it's done on here.
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