Is this rain good??

but some areas most of the fish will be shot up past deadlines.. rain can push fish into a good area or it can end a eason early. around this time last year on the salmon river i caught 6 fish at the tackle shop and nobody else was there they were all down river. it rains over night i go back and it's blown out. so i went back 2 days after that and all the fish were up at van duezer spawning >:O
yep.. for shure.. the N F of the Nehalem is famous for having the hatchery steelhead build up in the tidewater below and 3 or 4 days of blow out and they are all at the hatchery.. bummer, but I doubt this will be a big enough storm to do that to us...:pray:
yeah i heard the rain is suppose to die down a little bit so this isn't a huge problem for us. but good news for me my dad is coming home soon and i havent seen him in a month. first thing he said was were going fishing when i get back lol i might get some fall nooks after all !
Do you guys think this rain is going to push one more of coho into the rivers???

You might still be able to work one silverish Coho out of Cedar Creek on the Sandy, but most of them will be in spawn mode. Eagle Creek on the Clackamas is another possibility, but likely the same scenario. Coastal rivers might be better, but I'm not sure.
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