I fell backwards into the Alsea today...

Well-known member
What's sad is that I was kneeling at the time....:rolleyes:
While kneeling huh? That takes some skills.
:shock: hey zen...lol...if you don mind ..can we all learn the art...;) spill the secret..man...i mean how....
hahaha... any pix? vids? oh, you crack me up, gz... :lol:
While you're down there!! lol:D
i'm still kinda trying to figure ..lol..i practically tried but i fell on my side..
Don't feel bad. I did the same thing a couple years ago only I fell into Wickiup Res.
Oh no...

Oh no...

Oh dear.....PFD?
luv2fish said:
:shock: hey zen...lol...if you don mind ..can we all learn the art...;) spill the secret..man...i mean how....

Ok if you MUST know... I was kneeling on a grass clump to rebait, and after I took the lid off my container of sand shrimp I didn't know what to do with the lid so I figured I could just do kindove a little hop and stick it between my thigh and calf... Came back down, one foot slipped, rod in one hand shrimp in the other.. Fail.
All hail to lord graphite... for he's the one who falls in mysterious ways...
hey man..just messin...hope you don mind...trust me i've fallen in rivers and streams in really wierd way...so...but i laught at myself too ...its just to hear or see somebody trippin...it just cracks me up..i didn't want to sound mean..but its just....

anyhoo..while you were down there..did you catch anything???
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luv2fish said:
All hail to lord graphite... for he's the one who falls in mysterious ways...
hey man..just messin...hope you don mind...trust me i've fallen in rivers and streams in really wierd way...so...but i laught at myself too ...its just to hear or see somebody trippin...it just cracks me up..i didn't want to sound mean..but its just....

anyhoo..while you were down there..did you catch anything???

too much. this thread is crazy hillarious. i luv it!:lol::clap:
It's all good.. I've done worse.

Have you ever placed your left foot on the left pedal of your bike (in this case clipped in with cycling shoes), pushed off with your right leg and proceeded to shove the horn of the seat right into your pocket and still tried to swing your leg over not knowing what had happened?
I've never heard traffic cackle like that in my life :confused:.
like i said all hail...:clap::clap::clap::clap:....

arright arright enough now....no more messin...
Yes but, did the fish laugh?

Yes but, did the fish laugh?

The bigger issue here is did any fish fall over laughing and accidently swallow that sandshrimp?
So... did you see any fish while you were in there? :D
Did anyone see you fall is the question. :cool:
And did you manage to hang on to your rod and the shrimp. :clap:
(I fell backwards into the Alsea) That is called Stealth fishin' Bro................................:lol::lol::lol::lol:.........................:cool::cool:
GraphiteZen said:
It's all good.. I've done worse.

Have you ever placed your left foot on the left pedal of your bike (in this case clipped in with cycling shoes), pushed off with your right leg and proceeded to shove the horn of the seat right into your pocket and still tried to swing your leg over not knowing what had happened?
I've never heard traffic cackle like that in my life :confused:.

I used to have clip pedals on my mountain bike until my wife did a triple somersault and broke her arm. We had to hike out almost 4 miles to get to the car. My man parts were also pretty happy when I took them off :)
Well, I didn't fall in the Alsea yesterday, but did manage to find a couple silver bullets. :D Caught one more that looked like a twin of that one.
rite aaawwwwnnnnnn...brother:clap:
GraphiteZen said:
Ok if you MUST know... I was kneeling on a grass clump to rebait, and after I took the lid off my container of sand shrimp I didn't know what to do with the lid so I figured I could just do kindove a little hop and stick it between my thigh and calf... Came back down, one foot slipped, rod in one hand shrimp in the other.. Fail.
Sounds like you are a SENIOR.

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