I did it!

Well-known member
Today I decided to finally visit the legendary Sandy river. :D Saw a lot of fish jumping. Hooked one! Big one! Unfortunately I hooked her in her back :confused: But now i know how powerful those things are and don't want to use 8 pound test line anymore :D
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Shouldve Taken me. :lol: Jk

The park looks amazing right now. The water looks a lot better and Higher. Still a great day for you. :clap:
:) :lol: :D :)
Now you have to make it to the coast!
The Sandy

The Sandy

Oxbow's just the tip of the iceberg.:)
That is a great picture......
Haha, you have joined the addiction! I plan on being there at first light in the morning.
Nice job at least you hooked in to one. You can land them on 8 pound line you just need to make sure that your drag is set loose and play the fish that makes it even more fun. I run 12 main and 10 leader, so it can be done I know of a few that run 8 leader. So did you see any bright ones out there?


Well done. Now you will experience the condition known as SALMON FEVER, perhaps! Wait until you accidently hook one in the tail. What a time you'll have getting it in to release it.:lol::clap::dance::D:)

Yeah, Thats the Worst, Hook a big nook/Coho in the Tail on a steelhead rod. CUT THE LINE!
bigdog said:
You can land them on 8 pound line you just need to make sure that your drag is set loose and play the fish that makes it even more fun.
I know! I was playing that fish for a very long time. I hardly could hold a rode, all sweaty, heart is pumping up... :D I was planning to make it tired, to reel it to the bank, take a pix and then release. But the guy who was fishing next to me watching me all that time came close and said: "You know, you gonna kill the fish that way. You want to force the fish out of the water or it will get too tired and will die after you release it. I know you hate to lose your lure..." "No, I said, I'd rather save the fish". He grabbed a line between me and fish, puled a little, reached a lure and tried to get it out of the fish when the fish run and broke the line...
bigdog said:
Nice job at least you hooked in to one. You can land them on 8 pound line you just need to make sure that your drag is set loose and play the fish that makes it even more fun. I run 12 main and 10 leader, so it can be done I know of a few that run 8 leader. So did you see any bright ones out there?

I run 10 and 8... Ive lost my fair share but most spit the hook. Ive only broken a few off.
I hooked up with my first nook just a little downstream from oxbow three weeks ago. I run 30lb braid, with 10lb leader on my bobber rod. After a couple of amazing minutes my leader broke. Osmosis checked my drag, and what do ya know! It was wayyyy too tight. As for the fatality of the fight, a wise young guide told me that salmon die %98 of the time from the fight alone.
adambomb said:
a wise young guide told me that salmon die %98 of the time from the fight alone.

Opps. I mustve killed a lot of salmon then. And If thats true. It must suck for a lot of Native fish.
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