I bought some eggs, any suggestions where to go?

hey there all,
so ive been hitting up the clack pretty good for a while and gave up and went to the sandy for the first time last friday.
threw some #4 blue fox at the by the cedar creek fish hatchery and lost them all while watching other guys around me catching them for a lil while at least till the fish would spit off and thought i was probably using the wrong thing so i switched to my bubblegum steelie worm for some reason and threw that and still got nothing
so to day i went and bough some eggs from dicks and am hoping some of my fellow OFFers might be able to give me a suggestion on a place to go and what would be best to fish them, under a bobber or spin n glo o something else i dont know of
i dont have expectations of limiting out or anything but it would sure be nice to at least fight something for a little.
thanks all
Were they using really long leaders with corky and hook?

From what I seen everybody there is flossing or snagging.There is a difference between feeling a fish BUMP your line or a fish BITE.

When you have a group of guys setting the hook on every thing they feel.It makes it harder to get them to bite.

you should try exploring get away from the crowds!!
64 views and one reply? thank you to all my fellow OFFers for the help.
as far as their gear i didn't look close enough to see how much leader they were using but no i saw a lot of them using eggs
i know the differance between a bump and a bite and im not that desperate that i would try to snag a fish who bumped my stuff id rather have a fair fight just like all sportsman should
not to be rude or anything i mean i really do appreciate that you at least took the couple minutes to reply something but, thats the only tip anyone on here gives, " go exploring"
i know to go exploring its what i did last time before i gave up and went down to where i could at least some sort of action going on
what i was hoping for was a tip on a totally differant location along the sandy somewhere that produces some sort of action for a bank fisher
thanks anyways though
You should do some exploring at Oxbow or Dodge Park.... There's a lot of good bobber fishing water all over the sandy. I like to throw spinners at the silvers on there way upriver, hopefully fishing picks up soon I've only seen a few natives landed myself. PM me if you like to get out and do some fishing.
Not offended at all brother.I dont fish the sandy that much kinda far from me. But I do fish a lot of other rivers, and I thought that was the best advice I could give.But you want a spot well hmmm.Did you see my SANDY SUCCESS post?hope that helps..

hey guys,
so i went out to the sandy today after all and didn't know where else to try so i went back to the hatchery and cedar creek and figured id try and travel downstream as much i could.
unsuccesfull there were so many guys out there everywhere i looked it was shoulder to shoulder fishing.
saw one guy pull one out with a snag and he let it go and then later caught one correctly i was close enough to see that much so i left and came back in my area and went to the highrocks with my eggs and fished it all day and got nothing. sorry to dissapoint haha
ill got plenty of time to keep trying just limited funds and limited gear so im making the best of what i can and enjoying being out there
Callaway your last line sums it up perfectly. Its about enjoying being out there doing what you enjoy. I love to catch fish, but combat fishing is not my cup of tea. Sooner or later you will hook into one, just keep after them and have fun.
try fishing at barton park under the bridge early in the morning or late at night, i know there are fish in there. If you park on the other side of the bridge (away from the park) you can hike down there is a little path and fish right under the bridge (kinda a steep path so be careful getting down there. Its probably like six feet deep there there should be some fish in there dude. Weird thing is sometime on the clack these fish bite anything, but most the time they dont! lol. be persistent. Go check out eagle creek. Drive past eagle fern park and there is a bridge on your right. Fish under there with bobber and eggs. I dunnu man, dont expect any of my advice to put you on a fish, but those are spots worth checking out. I like fishing bobber and eggs but the three i have caught this year so far all were coaxed to bite hardware :) Also dude asking people were to go to catch a fish is like a wrong question to ask, you should take STEELseaker up on his invitation to fish, someone would probably much rather take you somewhere your chances are better than tell you where their honey hole is.
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yea your right, i prbly should have thrown in an invite to message me directly instead of posting holes for everybody to see
and said im not looking to steal anyones honey, just a decent chance somewhere thats not blown out but all in all its good
ive been to barton a couple times and fished under that bridge and could see that channel on the other side but was just out of my cast range, i didn't know there was anywhere i could park on the other side of the bridge to walk down there though i thought maybe it wasn't allowed or something and id just rather assume that it isn't and not risk it, but now that i know i can get over i might check that out
ive never been up to eagle creek or eagle fern, its kinda hard to get to certain spots with my fishing partner most of the time, hard to explain why but it shouldnt be as hard as it is thats why ive been going alone during the week a lot now
thanks for the advice though and im deff gonna hit up STEELseaker
There are lots of similar threads to yours right now so check those out for other input. My two cents is to check out Oxbow. I went last weekend and there were lots of fish moving and there is a TON of bank access. Just pick a spot and walk. I saw some guys having success with eggs from a bobber in the deeper holes. The only bummer is oxbow doesn't open until 630am and then it's a mad dash for the best holes. Good luck
yes oxbow is a great place to fish and what i notice about that is people keg up at the boat launch and there are better places to fish in my opinion. that river changed a lot from last year so the places people are returning to that worked for them last year are definitely not the same and may not hold fish. I would check out oxbow as well. While you are limited by how far you can hike up stream i believe you can go downstream very far there just put in the effort to explore and see if there is any water that looks fishy to you.
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