How to get to Agate Lake?

I'm new to Oregon and have been actively exploring all the fishing spots I can. Last fall I found agate lake online (maybe through ODFW report) and decided to go. I headed out to 62 and the took a left on the 140 (coming from Grants Pass I cut through Gold Hill and came in the back way to 62 instead of going down to Medford.) I was looking for anything pointing me in the direction to Agate lake, but didn't see anything and decided just to trek up to Lake of the Woods. Last weekend my brother in-law brought up venturing back out to Agate lake and it brought up some debate. I told him I believe it's gotta be off that sports complex road and he disagrees.. Does anyone know the road off the 140 it's on or how to get there?
Also, this season I've made my mind up that I'm focusing only on Bass because I much prefer to eat that over trout. I grew up my whole life catching trout in CA and am ready to catch a fish that I really enjoy to eat. How's the Bass fishing at Agate lake? When I ask that I don't mean right now while they're not very active, but more so in the better times of the year.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Take a right after u pass the golf course on 140. Its not far from there. I wouldnt eat anything out of Agate other then the Stocked trout. There a land fill up up on a hill nearby. Also the water gives people some type of itchy skin if u happen to wade in it. The best eating fish you'll catch around here is steelhead and salmon. Also i wouldnt eat any of the bass from around here except for the stunted ones at Hyatt Lake.
Like Shane said. Take a right off of 140 after the golf course and then it will be another right past the golf course. It's right by the model air plane field, and also pretty sure its marked off of 140 and by the entrance. If nothing else just google world it.

He's also right about the land fill dumping into it, but I've eaten tons of crappie out of it without worrying. Also never gotten itchy skin from wading around or being out in my float tube without waders. But eat at your own risk if you enjoy bass. Plenty of fish in it as well as some larger ones.
Also, this season I've made my mind up that I'm focusing only on Bass because I much prefer to eat that over trout. I grew up my whole life catching trout in CA and am ready to catch a fish that I really enjoy to eat. How's the Bass fishing at Agate lake? When I ask that I don't mean right now while they're not very active, but more so in the better times of the year.

Any help would be much appreciated.

trry enjoying bass for the sport sometime, if you would keep small bass under 2lbs (16") or so its a lot better for the fishery..... i dont mind if you would try to realease any adults its the natural stocking program lets keep it that way.

****** oh and watch out a lot of our local lakes have high levels of mercury for all warmwater fish im not saying this because i believe in catch and release its pretty common knowledge i would eat them very sparingly and in some lakes not at all.....if you gonna keep bass to eat i would go to lakes such as applegate with really good water quality and lower levels of mercury and keep the juvenile fish like i said under the slot there witch i believe is 12"-15"( slot= against the law to keep) i would avoid the local ponds and shallow warmwater fisheries such as agate, emigrant local ponds, selmac etc... most of those have high mercury or arent tested for it and could..........
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Thanks guys, that helps a ton! As far as eating the bass around here would you have the same opinion of the bass out of the Umpqua?

I ripped into a few 16" large mouth bass last year and it seems like 2lbs at that length would be pretty scrawny. Regardless, I'd have no problem if all my keepers were 15"-16".
Thanks guys, that helps a ton! As far as eating the bass around here would you have the same opinion of the bass out of the Umpqua?

I ripped into a few 16" large mouth bass last year and it seems like 2lbs at that length would be pretty scrawny. Regardless, I'd have no problem if all my keepers were 15"-16".

the umpqua is a pretty unstoppable fishery ( watch out for blooms of algae as shane said and other warm water problems) you can keep them out of that and have little effect just abide by the reg's an average 2lb bass is about 16" prespawn maybe a little more but it would be hard for a fish that length to break even 3lbs... most of the 3lb bass i get run about 17.5"-18"... a 19" is high 3's to 4lbs and a 20" er is about 4.5lbs or 5lbs if its a really healthy fish every inch after 20" is almost a pound if the fish is fat, i have got 21"fish that weigh 4lbs a few times also then 21"fish that weigh over 6lbs it depends... but a 16"fish is about 2lbs, most bass fisherman catch and release so watch where you fish and make sure you know the individual regulations for each body of water before you start keeping them from there, i can't stress enough not to keep adult fish especially in ponds and small reservoirs that is really important.... when i see the bucket patrol raping the small water i fish i get pretty mad.
I'm not sure why, but the that description "bucket patrol" makes me laugh... what's it mean?

LOL its a harsh way of saying "meat" fisherman, no offense but when i see the meat fisherman fishing small ponds and keeping what they catch its no good is all i was trying to say....
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