How many days do you fish in a year?

How many days do you fish in a year?

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I made up a poll such as this a while back but I thought I'd bring it up again to find out the amount of fishing days among new members and to see if anyone else's numbers have changed. I know mine have.
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if its a multiple choice question, is not enough an option?? maybe 3 or 4 days a month during the summer months (kokanee and camping). maybe 1 or 2 times a month if im lucky the rest of the year, so ill say.. 20-30 fishing trips a year. so, not enough is my answer. Brian
capblack said:
if its a multiple choice question, is not enough an option?? maybe 3 or 4 days a month during the summer months (kokanee and camping). maybe 1 or 2 times a month if im lucky the rest of the year, so ill say.. 20-30 fishing trips a year. so, not enough is my answer. Brian
Sorry capblack but I my thread loaded while I was still working on the poll. Please vote.
It used to be a much higher number than that.... This year has been tough though. Next year... I'm hoping that everything will calm down enough to be able to hit the water on a regular.
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not as much as I'd like to!!
Was 100+.... moving forward 60-80..
Define a day of fishing?

The last 2 days I stopped before work at a salmon hole near the house at a poor time of the day just to make a few casts and do a little recon....does 45 minutes count as a day of fishing? Frequently I catch a limit of salmon or steelhead and I am back home before the wife is out of bed....does that count as a day of fishing? If brief outings count it's easily 100 days a year!

I have severe hunting addictions as well, sometimes I hunt and fish in the same day! I know at one point in my life I was in the field over 200 days a year!
A fishing day counts even if it's during your lunch hour or if you decided to pull the car over to fish a spot for a few casts while on a road trip. Line in water = Fishing day.
OnTheFly said:
A fishing day counts even if it's during your lunch hour or if you decided to pull the car over to fish a spot for a few casts while on a road trip. Line in water = Fishing day.

Well, 100+ then! :D
101-150 im thinkin
eggs said:
Was 100+.... moving forward 60-80..

Eggs, the poll asks how many days a year do you fish not how many days you watch football.
Not enough yet.

Not enough yet.

I had hope to be over 50 days this year but took the summer OFF.:mad: Now I'm playing catch up, but the last two outings have been zilch. I'm at about twenty five and counting.
OTF, your survey doesn't include an option for:

Not nearly ENOUGH! LOL
Need to change my # too 200+///////// retired
Definate Chronic fisherman here, possibly leaning toward occupation;-)
troutdude said:
OTF, your survey doesn't include an option for:

Not nearly ENOUGH! LOL
I considered that option but felt a catagory like that would dominate the poll. Anyone, myself especially, could say that within any choice.
:( Sadly,I haven't fished half a dozen times this year...:( yet. ;)
Not Enough no matter how many days I fish.
This is awesome. I have had the privilege to fish with members and have made friends with people who fish like there's no tomorrow. Because of the chronic fishermen I have met here on the forum, my fishing statistic may be well over 40 days this year. That's significant for a guy who's a home owner with property that before only fished about 25 days a year.
Used to be significantly more. Funny how life changes :( hoping to get back up to around the 100 mark again. Now that things have settle down with work and what not, and I'm not crippled (aside from an ankle sprain from last weekend) knocking on wood that nothing else happens and I spend more time on the water
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