Hebo Fun

Hebo is a nice little secluded lake with camping available surrounding the lake. Have had luck from the bank, but we always do better from a float tube. Last time there none of the bankers were doing well but we slayed them fishing with small dry flies on a 4 ft leader(2# test) tied to a clear bubble float on an ultralight spinning outfit. Most of the fish were in the 8-10 in. range and we released all that we caught but we sure had a blast. We would paddle out a ways from the tiny dock provided for handicapped, then cast out flies towards the overhanging trees and retrieve in short little twitches. Its always exciting to see any fish take it on the surface. Even if our flies sank we seemed to still get hits. I've talked to people that have gotten some bigger fish early in the season before the camping crowds show up. It is a pay per use site so take a little cash with you for the fee, and if you get skunked or the bite is off, you can drive further up and there are a couple more small lakes in the area that you can try. Turn off at the Ranger Station at Hebo, lots o curves, but pretty drive up the mountain. Hope this helps anyone thinking about heading up there
Whats the good word here lately? Whats the preferred method? I may be there fishing this wknd...what are the other lakes you speak of?? Where abouts??
Hebo Lake

Hebo Lake

My son was up there a month ago when the road into the lake was snow bound, don't think he got a chance to fish it. The other two lakes are North and South Lakes, they are on the ridge above Hebo Lake. North is about a 1/2 acre and South is about 5 acres. North is 5 3/4 miles beyond Hebo and near the road, South is another 1 1/4 miles farther.Roads to both are unimproved and not a good place for trailers, although lightweights and float tubes can be useful, both lakes are stocked with legal rainbows.
Hebo Lake

Hebo Lake

I was at Hebo lake on Memorial Wknd...it was my first time. I will be goin bak again for sure. We had a nice, peaceful time catching fish as well as watching plenty of other fish caught. Nightcrawlers on a bobber worked for us. Never caught any big ones tho, all about 8 inches. There probably are some big ones in there but so many small ones to pick through first.
i grew up down there and there are no big ones in hebo its get's fished out as soon as they stock it.to me hebo is a kids lake u know a place u take your kids so u know they will catch some fish or if u have been skunked every where else and just want something to show for the day.

every year my dad would take me,bro and sis to the free fishing day when we where kid's there.

if u want bigger fish keep driving up hebo and hit north or south lake i took my neise there about a month ago and she limted out in like 30 min all nice ones. onley one fresh stocker all others where left overs from the year befor
bigst one was 12 1/2 my advitar pic is from that day but its hard to see.

u have to have some kind of flot to fish north lake though
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South Lake!!!

South Lake!!!

it is near hebo lake but it is good fishing to i was just there camping 2 weeks ago and in 1 day i caught over 20 8 to 12 inchers. It was fun:cool::cool::cool:
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