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Spent some time up in the Ochoco Mountains at Walton Lake this week. Had a great camping trip with three grandsons, son and daughter in law, wife and the other set of grandparents. The fishing was lights out! The grandsons brought in limits every day. A lot of fun to watching them out on the lake fishing and catching. Nights were also a great time spent around the campfire listening to them and their fish stories. It's rewarding when they reach that point when they do it all themselves, tying on the hooks and weights, casting their lines and using the net. It also gives me a chance to slip off and do a bit of fly fishing. I was lucky enough to land a 19 1/2 inch bow on a size 14 soft hackle. We ended up with plenty of fish for a fish fry and enough to take home and can.
Walton Lake is a great place to take kids fishing. It's a small lake where they can be on their own and you can keep an eye on them from a distance.

Walton Lake is a great place to take kids fishing. It's a small lake where they can be on their own and you can keep an eye on them from a distance.

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