Hayden Lake Idaho?

I am going up to Hayden Lake to see my family on 7-10.
Any one knows how the fishing up there?
Any good spots?
Thanks for any info!
I don't know where thats at but i had to cancel a trip to the dworshak in clearwater county. i heard it has been doing well for all kinds of species so lets hope the same for where you are going.
actually the aryan nations compound was awarded to a african american family in a lawsuite and is now a summer camp. Fish Hauser lake, its very close to there, very big Kamloops in there... at least I hope they are still there, both of those lakes were nearly dead from polution in the late 70's but by the late 80's to early 90's idaho had recovered them to a level far above their wildest dreams... Idaho is a very fun place.
Nope-half breed-Irish/dutch and Cherokee-don't care only going to see family and some fishing I hope.
Wife's son lives in Spokane but wanted to have a family get together by the lake.
Fish Hauser lake, its very close to there, very big Kamloops in there
Thanks for the tip-I will give it a try!! :)
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