Foster drawdown

Combat Chuck
Wow, sure is crazy to see this. A mile of exposed road at the bottom of the lake and foundations to old homes... and not a boat on the water. I will post more pics in a little while but heres a few until then.
Woooooooooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhhh... That is ONE dried up lake! damm........... Are the fish pops the same though? If they are, man that would be some great fishing!
Thats what I'm thinking (hoping), and maybe I will take my pontoon out there :dance:
CC what you and I should do is get a tennis net and string it between the two boats and row up one bank and down the other :dance::dance:
Haha Mr. GraphiteZen! That would be awesome, just take a wide net and tie on end to one side of the little channel thing, then the other side tied to the other. Then from the other end of the channel, throw rocks, so all the fish in the channel will go by the net, then tie another net down to the end of the channel you threw rocks in. Then draw the nets together a viola! :lol::D:lol::dance::dance:
If any of you reading this thread fish semi regularly at all there, get out and check it out...You can learn a lot about where fish hold if you can see the bottom! I guarantee you will catch more fish! Those fish must just be piled on top of each other right now! It is time for a fury of magic carpets to slay the Foster:dance: puddle!!!


ArcticAmoeba said:
If any of you reading this thread fish semi regularly at all there, get out and check it out...You can learn a lot about where fish hold if you can see the bottom! I guarantee you will catch more fish! Those fish must just be piled on top of each other right now! It is time for a fury of magic carpets to slay the Foster:dance: puddle!!!

That lake deserves a slaying.....and maybe some structure near the road for the bait fish to hang out and grow...ODFW should be on top of this. What a great lake to of my go to bodies of water.

You should dam one side of the little channel and fish the other. :dance::dance::dance::cool:
You know, it is clear that there wouldnt be a single boat, unless you want it to get beat up cause the boat ramp is useless! :lol:
I tried to fish it twice this weekend. Saturday morning from the bank got me a couple of largemouth. Sunday was a skunk... very odd things out there. Saturday the trout were jumping constantly but I think we were a little out of reach from them. It was sunny and warm saturday then sunday a storm came blowing in. I took the pontoon up sunday in search of those trout only to find nothing jumping and did not catch a stinkin fish. These are my first 2 attempts here so I'm no expert at the lake but I sure am confused. Was it the weather? the draw down? The time of year? I fished near the new boat ramp on the south fork.
Time zone...

Time zone...

Combat Chuck said:
I tried to fish it twice this weekend. Saturday morning from the bank got me a couple of largemouth. Sunday was a skunk... very odd things out there. Saturday the trout were jumping constantly but I think we were a little out of reach from them. It was sunny and warm saturday then sunday a storm came blowing in. I took the pontoon up sunday in search of those trout only to find nothing jumping and did not catch a stinkin fish. These are my first 2 attempts here so I'm no expert at the lake but I sure am confused. Was it the weather? the draw down? The time of year? I fished near the new boat ramp on the south fork.

Does any one know when they are planning to refill the lake ?

I drove by a week ago and it was full. I guess they just needed to work on the gates or something.


GraphiteZen said:
I drove by a week ago and it was full. I guess they just needed to work on the gates or something.

I was just wondering where to go tomorrow...thanks.. Are you still in for RedHills lake for Rainbow ? Shoot me a pm and we can talk.

Troutski said:
Does any one know when they are planning to refill the lake ?


Its on its way back up, maybe 10' higher than the draw down. The new ramp is only usable if you carry the boat another 20' from the end of the ramp.
ODFW report on Foster....

ODFW report on Foster....

Hope the following report will help ...

Foster Reservoir
Sponsored by
Date 13-Aug-08
Water Condition Oregon Flow Chart
Water Temperature
Fishing - Flies
Fishing - Spinners
Fishing- Bait

Conditions : Foster Reservoir: Detroit, Green Peter, and Foster reservoirs have all have been stocked numerous times with rainbow trout and are producing good catches. Bank fishing remains good as surface temperatures are still relatively cool. Detroit and Green Peter are also producing some good catches of 10-16 inch chinook, with some over 20 inches being taken. Kokanee catch has picked up with 12-15 inch fish being caught in Green Peter. Trolling at 20-25 feet with flashers and white corn or worms has been working well. Chinook salmon are considered trout in Detroit reservoir and are not included in the recent closure. In Green Peter Reservoir, chinook may be retained as part of the kokanee bag limit and are also not included in the closure. Foster reservoir was lowered to elevation 613 feet in late July for emergency spillway gate maintenance and inspections. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has since determined that it can safely raise the reservoir level to elevation 622 feet and maintain that elevation through the end of the summer recreation season. At these elevations, both the Sunnyside and Gedney boat ramps are useable. The Corps will draw water from Green Peter Reservoir to fill Foster, resulting in a lowering of Green Peter by about four feet. The Whitcomb Park and Thistle Creek boat ramps on Green Peter will remain usable following the refill operation at Foster
Reported by: Oregon D.F.W

Troutski said:
I was just wondering where to go tomorrow...thanks.. Are you still in for RedHills lake for Rainbow ? Shoot me a pm and we can talk.


PM Sent... Man I got a slew of trips lined up this is great haha :dance::dance:
Has anybody seen or could get a picture of the sunnyside ramp? Im thinking about slipping my toon in this weekend. I dont need a ramp to launch, just need to get near the water. Ive read that boats currently can't launch, but Im thinking I could so long as the ramp isn't blocked off.
The ramp isn't blocked off until it gets down to the gravel at the end, and then its only blocked by a small road sign. You should be able to get your rig close enough to drop off your toon and drag it to the water. The water is moving pretty quick in that section though, with the low water level and large flow from green peter dam. The water is also really muddy, hopefully when water stops flowing so hard it'll clear up.

I took a few pictures but the file sizes are way too big to upload.
First off, it was a skunk. There, its off my chest. The work on foster dam was finished mid week so I want to see how the lake looked. Stopped off at the new ramp off the hwy and found the water had come up juuussst enough for my pontoon. I had "heard" that GP was fishing good so I wanted to look at that and see if I could launch at sunnyside. The water on the other side of the lake and the main lake was very murky so I continued to GP. It was also murky so I flipped it back around for the south santiam fork. This was some the only clear water. Got to try out my new christmas present, a fish finder, and found very little signs of life. Had my sensitivity turned up at about 3/4 and it was rare to mark a fish. Not sure where they all went? Washed down the santiam? The sunny day sure made it nicer :cool:
Very nice...

Very nice...

At least the weather was great, I think the fish were at the other boat ramp ;) no really they seem to know where you are putting in and rush to the other ramps. Or maybe the dam...I don't think it was you I think it is just the time of year....but like others have said before: you can't catch them from the couch...thanks for the pictures.

Combat Chuck said:
First off, it was a skunk. There, its off my chest. The work on foster dam was finished mid week so I want to see how the lake looked. Stopped off at the new ramp off the hwy and found the water had come up juuussst enough for my pontoon. I had "heard" that GP was fishing good so I wanted to look at that and see if I could launch at sunnyside. The water on the other side of the lake and the main lake was very murky so I continued to GP. It was also murky so I flipped it back around for the south santiam fork. This was some the only clear water. Got to try out my new christmas present, a fish finder, and found very little signs of life. Had my sensitivity turned up at about 3/4 and it was rare to mark a fish. Not sure where they all went? Washed down the santiam? The sunny day sure made it nicer :cool:

Good to see you and your "baby blue" back out on the water. Take care and be safe.

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