First off, it was a skunk. There, its off my chest. The work on foster dam was finished mid week so I want to see how the lake looked. Stopped off at the new ramp off the hwy and found the water had come up juuussst enough for my pontoon. I had "heard" that GP was fishing good so I wanted to look at that and see if I could launch at sunnyside. The water on the other side of the lake and the main lake was very murky so I continued to GP. It was also murky so I flipped it back around for the south santiam fork. This was some the only clear water. Got to try out my new christmas present, a fish finder, and found very little signs of life. Had my sensitivity turned up at about 3/4 and it was rare to mark a fish. Not sure where they all went? Washed down the santiam? The sunny day sure made it nicer