Fishing Videos from the North Santiam

Well-known member
Went fishing on the North Santiam yesterday and got some good videos. One of us caught a small steehead the rest got into a some nice trout. While filming my buddies go through a place named (unfortunately for Spencer) Spencer's Hole while kayakers played about I made the mistake of letting my boat heat up on the rocks. I should have paid attention to myself and just done it when I realized I needed to let some air out but I was having fun filming and BSing... Well sure enough when I tried to push it off the rocks one cut into it like it was a darn knife.
When your pontoons heat up they get firmer and the hot rubber will just grab onto rocks. You would be amazed at what can cut into them in this condition. DOH!! A bystander gave me the GREAT tip of just covering the slash on the internal bladder with duct tape for now, zipping up and patching later thereby saving me hassle of trying to patch on jagged and uneven rocks (Thanks! Didn't leak a bit! ).

I'll tell you though nothing quiets down a crowd of 20 like a loud PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Well accept of course for my buddy Dave who is just unable to shut-up "Hey Bo what happened? haha Hey Bo what happened?? haha" repeat and repeat again LOL!! Good times. Once I had that patched we were on our way again.
Saw Phil (Kodiak) and EJ (18406ej) once we got to Mill City what's up fellas!

Here are the videos!

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Nice boating videos!
McGiver Floats

McGiver Floats

Very cool videos! :clap: Pontooners = New Generation McGiver. :D :dance: Now,don't forget the twine and 9v battery. ;)
Be safe.
Raincatcher said:
Very cool videos! :clap: Pontooners = New Generation McGiver. :D :dance: Now,don't forget the twine and 9v battery. ;)
Be safe.

I prefer to liken myself more to Red Green :D:D:D
DUCT TAPE FOREVER! That man is my hero...

And Ive been there, popping a toon in front of a crowd... ouch.
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What size toons were you running?

and where did you put in?

I have taken a canoe trip on class one and two rapids where we pulled out just before Jefferson Oregon back when I was in high school. I grew up in Albany and graduated from West Albany High in 1988.

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