Fishing and... magic?

Well-known member
I want to start a conversation on this topic. In Ukraine every angler knows that after you put a worm on a hook you want to spit on it 3 times for a good luck. You don't need to actually spit on it, just to imitate it. If there is a pole on the ground - you don't want to step over it because it will be for bad luck.

Do anglers in the states have similar ... i don't know how to call it... superstitions?

P.S. I guess I know one - "the lucky hat" one :D
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You got it right, superstitions.

No bannanas or fried chicken on the boat!
I've got a lucky shirt. Although I don't really buy the whole luck thing. I think it's more of a confidence thing. I've seen guys with superstitions catch lots of fish but I've seen just as many non superstitious fisherpeople catching all the fish. It's kinda like shooting a free throw in basketball, the best shooters find a form that works for them and they do it exactly the same every time. That's how I think most superstitions started, someone started spittin on there worms and caught a bunch of fish one day, people saw and started doing it because they saw him do it. They probably caught more fish too because they were so confident it would work.
Thats why my dad always spits on it or Something. And I always get in Trouble for steping over Rods.
Im with ya on the dont step over rods thing. Ive never had luck with spitting on anything, but grampa used to spit on the worms when we fished Kingsley Resevior with great success!
Superstitions...........ditto on the no Bannanas on the boat. A friend of mine takes this very seriously. I just don't like the things on my boat. They belong in an icecream pallor covered up with icecream in a bannana slit.

The other superstition that I have is to never talk about limits when fishing. As in "we should have our limit in an hour or so" You get your limit when you get your limit. Don't mess with fish karma!;)

Last but not least don't bless the fish. I took my folks fishing and we had been doing well for about three days. One day my mother blessed the fish and the jinks was on, no more fish. If you have to bless something bless the boat not the fish!:naughty:
I always am very superstitious and I always try not to give in to them, but then I don't usually catch fish. But there have been plenty of days where I go through the rituals:rolleyes: and havn't caught fish:lol:
I know i havent caught a decent size fish since i lost my lucky daredevil (red and white spoon). It was odd...that was the only spoon i could drag through weeds, under and over logs and never get a snag. When i moved to Oregon i lost all my fishing gear, including that lucky lure.
It's Lucky to have a Playboy centerfold by the boat steering console...


When I'm still fishing (setting the rod down and watching it) my superstition is that the closer to my pole, the less likely I am to get a hook up. I usually keep about 10-15 feet from my pole. It's just been weird like that.:lol:
I have a sure fire nook t-shirt with a turkey on it. Fall chinook won't bite unless I'm wearing a red hat, and I once took a week long trip where I limited every day for a week....I still have those undershorts!
I've got a lucky shirt, lucky undershorts, a lucky cd that I always listen to on the way to the river, and I never bring a camera( except for the crappy one on my phone:D).
I think I have a Lucky Salmon Sweater??? :D
I used to have a lucky pole too. But it ended up not being that lucky when I snapped it while trying to get unsnagged. Until then, it caught almost every single fish that I was proud of.
autofisher said:
I used to have a lucky pole too. But it ended up not being that lucky when I snapped it while trying to get unsnagged. Until then, it caught almost every single fish that I was proud of.

It just happened to catch a very unlucky "fish" right there. ;):lol:
You got it right, superstitions.

No bannanas or fried chicken on the boat!

It's OK to bring bananas and chicken on the just need to spray them with WD40 or wash them in lemon joy first :lol:
I always wear a dark blue underarmor from the last day of Joe's... I got TONS of trout at a lake when I wore that shirt.

Kodiak-I know I have sent about half a billion asking, but please respond to this one too haha :lol: Sorry I am impatient. :confused:;)
You are about to have a very unproductive day fishing if you happen to see one of these on your boat:yay:
Hey guys, I personally SMASHED CRUSHED AND WIPED a banana ALL OVER a k-16 up in the bonneville area, following another guy I talked to that did the same.. We then ran two perfectly clean plugs with sardine wraps, and the k-16 banana mashed plug. The banana plug caught the next fish, a nice URB Chinook of about 16/17lbs.

Some of the chemicals found in banana's are in egg cures. Plus they are very low in fats which is your main enemy when it comes to repelling fish.
phosphorous, potassium, calcium, most of the other things are in many baits that catch fish.
You guys are overly supersticious, better not step on any cracks.
Oh, and make sure to only step on one color of tile - the other colors are lava...

Now chicken even kills a hot bite in an Alaska river full of thousands and thousands of fish. Chicken can ruin a rod for months. You better not bring KFC if you fish with me, unless you want to be left at the dock.
Ask people that have fished with me.. if you bring greasy lunch, I make you lemon joy and then wear latex gloves after washing.
Any article of clothing that becomes stained with fish blood is lucky from that point on. I noticed that I was wearing the same shirt when I caught my first salmon and steelhead, and started wearing it every trip.

I really can't think of any rituals, just items associated with success.

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