First winter of the season

Eggs I was out on a saterday think u said it was gaters last game... Were they not doing good? Or just not a good day. And yea about to get my SS yarn and we will smash some fish! Nothing Better than blood in the boat.

Yea Alan think side drifting is the best thing! Think I'm going to have to try and talk u into a sled trip next time and just side drift like crazy! I got gas lol! And bro if it weren't for you and few others showing and helping me like u did wouldn't be where I am today that's for sure. You make one hell of a teacher bro!

And last off Kirk my moms nick name for me from as far back as I can remember is little bug.... Almost made it my screan name when I first joined lol
Eggs I was out on a saterday think u said it was gaters last game... Were they not doing good? Or just not a good day. And yea about to get my SS yarn and we will smash some fish! Nothing Better than blood in the boat!

Yea gators got crushed .. should have gome fishing with y'all
Nice work guys, that's a beauty. Tom we need to get out there and hit the river soon.
I'm a little late on the concrats here but I already told you good job the day you got that fish but heres to a good job again to ya bro.
Cj thanks bro and sam we so are going to kill a few winters on the creek this year... Only thing we seem not able to
hook up on when we fish together...
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