First steelie ever!

took the wife to get her license and tag and damned if she didn't skunk myself and fishhunter. she got her first steelie ever within hours of gettin' her tag and she beat me to gettin' the first tagged fish of the year.Beautiful coastal steel! :yay::yay::yay: ATTA GIRL!!!! FISHON!!

get pics up soon, havin' trouble:(
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Man was it fun watching her rod just start bouncing!:dance: we were plunking the slaw.:dance: That chromer was starving the line in one end and the hook out the other.:lol: But seriously it ate the hook. :D Nice job... gotta love the baptism on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always great to hear about peoples first ones and to know she got it the same day she got the tags is great. That's the kinda stuff that will keep her coming back for more. I hope she knows it doesn't always work out that way :lol: Can't wait to see the pics.
Women anglers...

Women anglers...

took the wife to get her license and tag and damned if she didn't skunk myself and fishhunter. she got her first steelie ever within hours of gettin' her tag and she beat me to gettin' the first tagged fish of the year.Beautiful coastal steel! :yay::yay::yay: ATTA GIRL!!!! FISHON!!

get pics up soon, havin' trouble:(

Remember; the only way to out fish a Woman is to leave her at home...Congratulations to her..
One day she won't soon forget.:clap:

With all the stories of success this weekend, I really hate having a J.O.B. some times. I was however lucky enough to trade on call weekends and will make the drift-off come hell or high water. Can't wait to be abe to put some ink on my tag. Only got a nate so far this year.. and lost the only bite I had on the Millicoma on the 2nd. Always great to watch the expression on the face of the one who puts up with your fishing obsession when they get hooked too.
the memorial should be a good weekend to fish! Water is going to start dropping wednesday and should be around 5 feet maybe a little higher on saturday.. although its still early to tell im hoping for the best! And nice job! Shes probly going to want to get out a lot more now!
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