First drift fish...first limit!

Went out to McIver this mornin and caught my first fish off of the drift-yes...finally! Shortly after, I hook another one but lost it. Ten minutes later
I hit another and was able to land it and limit. What a day! I found the fish off the drift to be a lot more fun to land than the fish I've caught by bobber in hole.
I'm still never quite sure if I have a fish or the river rocks have me until it starts pulling away-so its always a thrill when you feel it on.
yea thats at dog, there were about 12-15 there this morning, I was in the middle of the drift and had to walk them all in past everyone lol-fiesty fish!
Was using 1/O hook for first catch, but discovered thats why I keep snagging hooks. Need to go light with #4 hook. I used orange corky and white yarn to hook first 2, and a pink corky for the third fish. I lost my lead after first fish but at same time realed in someones lost slinky-which seemed to work just fine.
Congrats man, I have yet to catch a fish in that drift or in the creek hole.

is the fish on the left a nate, or just a partial fin?
dont think i could ever fish with that many people...maybe its just just me but i dont like it, or maybe i dont play well with other...
Combat fishing is the worst, but when your hooking fish it makes it worth it. Congrats on the fishies man, can't beat a quick limit:clap:.
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