Fern Ridge dam and river help

fishing man
what to use ind the river and dam
You can't go wrong with a crappie jig and bobber tip the jig with some worm. You can fish for catfish and carp with corn and worms on the bottom, or with a bobber. If your fishing for bass a small spinnerbait or crankbait . Trout fishing can be good at times use rooster tails or worms.
We call the hole below the dam the wonder hole cuase you always wonder what youll catch next .Have caugh tthe following species on worms off the bottom or floated with a bobber,catfish,carp,bluegill,crappie,Sm bass,Lmbass,squawfish,and have caught cutthroats on roostertails in the moving water above and below the wonder hole . would wish ya luck but ya wont need it just get a worm in the hole and wait to see what ya get next!
I have never fished much before -- tried EE Wilson and Junction City without much success. I live in Corvallis. I am just wondering whether it makes sense for a newbie to fish here. Guess I really need a school of hungry fish to hook one. :D

Also, is this the GPS location of the dam please? 44.118917,-123.293824 ( I do not know how to post a link with GPS location, but map.google.com can find this coordinate). If it is, shall I just walk down the dam and try fish in the water?...

Thanks a lot! I know my questions are just really silly!!
i dont know if that is the gps location but if u go on top of the path to the dam u can fish off the rocks it was the first time i fished there but i had some bites of a small crappie jig and a little pink minister twister if u fish the bowl of the dam u can use corn or worms to catch most of the fish in kirk pond which is right next to the dam u can catch bass crappie blugill catfish carp worms and crappie nibbles work best good luck
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