Feds reveals its salmon plan

Easy, use nuclear power and remove some of the dams that aren't crucial to the water supply.

Uranium, the fuel used for nuclear power, is only supposed to be around for another 50-60 years.

Looks like theres a small possibility of a bounty for Channel Cats and SM Bass in some areas in a few years down the road.:clap:
I hope there are fish "LEFT" after this administration! :pray:


I love your Quote:

"Alchohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency." LOL!

Everybody needs to take his quote seriously and support the JPFO!
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Yeah we could use more Nuclear waste it would give the guys over there in East OR some more work.

How about Wave Power.:D

It wouldn't make more work here in Eastern Oregon (we store chemical weapons here); it would however give them more work in Eastern Washington at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which is outside of Richland Washington;):D

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