
if you hand some one a rod that has 15 pound line on it but the rod is rated for 12 and they end up breaking it, should they pay for it, or should it be your problem because u threw on the heavy test and didn't mention to go super easy.

if You are handed a rod that has 15 pound line on it but rated for 12 nd you break it should you pay for it???

lets hear it!
Well if you failed to inform them and it was an honest mistake on their part then I'd say it was your fault. Now if you had informed them to take it easy and they ignored your request then yes I'd say they owe you a new pole. That's why I hate using other peoples stuff because if I break it while I'm using it then I feel obligated to pay to get it fixed.
if you load it up with heavier line than it's rated and hand it to someone without mentioning said fact, the aftermath is your own problem. That's my 2 cents.

However, that said....15 pound shouldn't break a 12 pound rod unless there's some serious horsing.
If you're worried about someone breaking your gear, you shouldn't be loaning it out. Let them use something that if it gets broken, it's no big deal. In this case, unless they intentionally broke your rod, I would say it's your fault.
You can break a 8-12 pound rod with 6 pound test! Daniel did that this summer. I think it comes down to how they were treating the rod and it if was defect. Rods can break for many reasons. If it broke because of a manufacturers defect then send it back. If its a cheap rod then maybe have him split the cost with you. If he was fishing it in the way it was meant to be fished then its not really his fault.

I know that if I let someone borrow one of my rods I would not expect them to pay for it if they broke it. They are way to fragile for the most part!
Sounds like either someone didn't know how to fight a fish or the rod had defects.
If it broke while he/she was fishing it in a normal matter (as I do) then In my opinion, sh*t happens and it might have broke on me the same way. No biggy ill get over it. If he'she broke it in a way that was abusing it... Well then he/she should pay for it.
I personaly wouldnt put 15lb test on a pole that shouldnt use 15 lb test.. but yeah..
Only if abuse of the rod was involved. If they used it normally, that's just life and a risk you take when you lend stuff out.
Sereral of my rods are overloaded and never had a problem. I say that if you borrow someones stuff you return it in the same if not better condition. i just broke a buddys skill saw even though it may have been old and worn out i bought him a brand new one just because it was the right thing to do.
Its a tubular graphite object its bound to break at some point.
I'm not sure this answers the question, but I'm of the same mind as Thuggin...

If I'm lent something and I break it, regardless of the circumstances involved (e.g. 15 lb on a 12lb rod) I would feel obligated to replace it.

However, if I were the one to lend it out, I'd not expect that the user I lent it to replace it.

That said, I'm pretty sure most of my friends that I might lend something feel the same way I do and would replace a broken item that they borrowed without me asking.
I say 50/50....just cuz that is the right thing to do....
It kinda depends on who, what and how....

If I loan a pole to a very new person so they can go with me and I dont teach them to use it in a safe manner
and as a result it breaks. I feel its my fault and I eat the bill.

If I loan my rod to an experienced friend who knows how to use a rod safely and he pushes the rod behond what it can handle,
he should replace it.

Problem here is that if I loaned a rod to someone, it probaly because they couldnt afford to buy one.
So knowing that, do I hassle them about it or just shrug and eat the bill and figure stuff happens and move on.
A loaned fishing pole isn't worth a ton of grief and stress between friends.

Its a good idea to have older poles to loan out.
Not the good ones:)
nwkiller said:
if you hand some one a rod that has 15 pound line on it but the rod is rated for 12 and they end up breaking it, should they pay for it, or should it be your problem because u threw on the heavy test and didn't mention to go super easy.

if You are handed a rod that has 15 pound line on it but rated for 12 nd you break it should you pay for it???

lets hear it!

Hey killer did someone break your pole? I have been on both sides and it was kinda a bummer both ways when something breaks/needs repair. I would not expect them to replace it but it would be nice if they did or if they paid for part of it. I mostly fish with family and extensded family so it is kinda hard to get them to pay for anythng. J/k
rickman said:
If you're worried about someone breaking your gear, you shouldn't be loaning it out.

EXACTLY my thoughts. Stuff happens. I wouldn't expect anyone that I would be willing to loan gear to to pay for it if it breaks. If it breaks while they're using it, things would surely break at some point if I was using it. Now, if they wanted to pay for it, I would allow them to pick up PART of the tab, but I certainly wouldn't expect them to buy it...
Gotta say if I broke it and felt it was due to any negligence on my part Id replace it no questions asked . if I was fishin it without any knowledge of its weakness and not being dumb would have to agree with the dont loan it if ya can't part with it side of the arguement. sounds like it might be the later of the two but not knowin if it was abused during the fight can't really say.
man, thanks for the replies guys.....well a rod was handed over to me with an unknown size of fish with unknown at the time heavier line on it, i wasn't horsing the fish was big, it came to the net around 10-12 times with the same result finally after doing the same "pull up" method, standing on my tip-toes arms as high in the air as i could get them just to get the fish to the surface with a 6 ft leader and POW!! broken rod, i bought him a new one today but as i was paying for it felt like it was a mishap and wanted to see what you guys though, thanks for the replies!!
That was nice you paid for a new one but it probably was not your fault. Moral of the story, don't use a 6 ft leader! :lol:
lol, thanks
One important thing is missing in this hypothetical question: WHO initiated the borrowing. If the owner unilaterally offered ("hey, use my rod"), or if the other person asked ("pal, can I borrow your rod"). If the owner offered the use, he assumes the loss. If the other person asked to borrow it, then that person assumes the loss. This is a technical and somewhat legalistic analysis - but the way it would work looking at it that way.

The more practical approach in my view would be this: if a guy lends his rod to a friend no matter who asked or initiated the lending, the owner just takes the loss as a necessary part of friendship and life.

On a final note, I would agree that the 15 pound rating would have utterly no effect on breaking a rod. Frankly I cannt imagine a rod actually breaking if the user is playing a fish properly, no mater the line poundage. In my 60 years of fishing (meaning I started at age 6 and am now 66) I have never seen a rod break while fighting a fish - seen the tip eye break a couple times because it was worn or damaged, but never even the cheapest rod break.

Anyhu, that's my two centavos. Stay safe and hanapa'a. tom m
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