Early season Suttle Lake conditions

A few days ago I spoke with a fellow at the lodge, angling for some inside info regarding the lake.

I was informed the ice was gone, the loop road was clear, and folks were fishing.....

I had an appointment is Sisters so I opted to drive over and see the lake for myself.

Indeed the lake is ice free. Although the link creek camp loop too was plowed, a moderate wall of snow blocks both eastern boat launches; which are both covered in 8"+ of snow, right to the water line. As well both docks are still pulled up on the bank.

While I'm itchin' to target Suttles resident browns, I fear it could quickly become a real clown show trying to launch my boat w/o chaining up first.

I'm still not 100% I'll hit Suttle solo this weekend, if I do, I think I'll bring a shovel, chain and a come-a-long...
Heck, I'd settle for a good Samaritan car thief; the pick up fitted with a snow plow is parked a short distance away.

Wait... That's probably wrong.
When the lodge guy said " people are fishing" I assume it's from the bank; judging by the launch ramps.

The south bank is fairly shallow out about 30' down most of its lenght, the north a much steeper grade. The browns, according to local legend; should be cruising "shallow" water.

With the over abundance of Kokanee available, my guess is they might be somewhat selective in what they'd hit.

I pulled a blank targeting browns there last year. Long lining a silver Rapala did entice a few modest rainbows but no lunker browns, yet!
IIRC, the brown fishing, as well as the kokes, have been off for a long time.

Who knows when or if it will get back to its glory days....
IIRC, the brown fishing, as well as the kokes, have been off for a long time.

Who knows when or if it will get back to its glory days....

You may be right, for over a decade I drove pass Shuttle thinking hummm, someday I should check this lake out. Perhaps those were the glory days.

However after spending some time there last fall and marking large "objects" near the bottom; just below schools of dinky Kokes, I'm fairly confident there are large brown in there. Hooking into one, yet to be seen.
This lake is a tricky one I've only fished it a handful of times and not in more than 7-8 years, and I never figured it out. Caught a few Kokanee here and there and some rainbows but nothing ever to write home about. It's a shame because it's in one of my favorite areas of the state
I agree, it is a shame the fishery isn't better.

It is a picturesque little lake and has very easy access, which is great for families.

Unfortunately, ODFW is having a hard time getting enough revenue to operate so I don't think the situation at Suttle will change anytime soon....
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