Lost Lake (lot o' pics)

Went on Saturday- interesting road the last mile:



We enjoyed the calm water for one hour when we got there.


After that we dropped the anchor to stay in one spot. The wind didn't even let up all day until about 7pm.


There's still some ice on the lake near the west shore.


We had to post a 24 hour watch to keep an eye out for the icebergs!


Actually they were kinda purdy up close.


Wished I would've had the long lens when this guy came down to grab a bite to eat. I also used auto settings on the camera when I saw him coming real fast. Wasn't that great of an idea. So the pics are what they are.



Got it!


Oh CRAP! No I don't!!!


I should'a done it right the first time! Now I gotta turn around......


The parting shot of Hood on the row back to the ramp.


The actual ramp and parking lot is not open yet- Not plowed- FULL of snow- campground full of snow- not plowed yet- although the plow is sitting at the entrance to the campground. Had to launch at the rental "ramp".

Oh yeah- the fishing...... not that great- caught 22-10inchers on bait and casting a rapala minnow, bingo bug and panther martin. Heard of one BIG fish caught.
Awesome pics!Glad to here it's open!That's one of my favorite places to go.I've had days where I thanked the lord for my best fishing days i've ever had.You can catch rainbows,browns,brookies and kokanee all in the same day!There is some big fish in there also.When the fish are rising there's nothing better.I try to fish where the eagles and ospreys are fishing.They know whats up.Thanks again for the report.Some day I will have to figure out how to post pics.Good luck.
Great Job...

Great Job...

Nicely done Jim....great pictures, like usual... Thanks for the post, didn't look like there was another sole on the lake...

My friend wanted and went to go camping out there this weekend. Still looks pretty cold. Never been there but from the pictures, I will need to make a trip. thanks for the time and pics.:yay:
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