Drano Lake tomarrow.

I'm heading to Drano lake tomarrow to drop OFF some blades for I guide I know up there. Any Idea what I should take to pitch?


Trolling wiggle warts (bright red with a white stripe down the sides) was always first choice.....If you are slinging, a blaze red spinner with a white hook tube or one of our secret weapons....float a bobber and eggs at 8 feet...you might get a big surprise...dave
I've got no idea what to use, but good luck out there tomorrow man.
Yo I'll be @ Drano Lake with my Washington Guide buddy. Look out for the 3 young dudes in the 22" sled with no windows trolling Wiggle Warts and prawn spinners and possibly some cut plug herring !!! I'm not sure of the name of the boat but its all alloy. Good luck out there.
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Right on Kush!

Right on Kush!

I'll be delivering some prawn blades to guide up there. Told me near the bridge is hot right now so I'll be there after I go pick up the appropriate government parifenalia. Look for the guy with pants and sweatshirt/jaket and a hat!:lol: I will be looking for you, I'll be in a black pirate hoodie.
Big Blue puffy Jacket...And Camo Hat. I'd love to see one of those spinners so if I see you maybe you can cast one into our sled and I'll cut the braid :-) Good luck out there. It should be a beautiful day. Any pics of these prawn blades?
What an amazing day !!! Weather was out of this world and I got myself a 25 incher. Barely Adult Chinook Salmon. The coolest thing was Kodiak there cheering me on the whole time. This place is bananas folks...75 boats back trolling in a 1/3 mile circle over and over and over. I'd have to estimate that at least 100 Salmon where caught from 6am - 5pm. Non-Stop bite folks. Kodiak..We're going to have to do some fishing as you seemed like a very cool dude and In my opinion a good luck charm :-). I'm going to take many trips this summer and one will definitely be to meet up with you and try out your spinners and slay em. Thanks for all the support bud...I appreciate it and needed it as the fish kicked my rookie bootie. My leader was like 10 feet long and I couldnt figure out how to get it up to the surface...Finally figured it out and saved me from being really embarrased :-). You've got my # bro so anytime your headed up here give me a call. And If I go down your way I'll let you know. Peace

BTW...Kodiak was casting between three boats at times and whipping it out there. His casts must have been over 50-75 yards. I need you to teach me the secrets bro :-)


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I made a move and ended up with two jacks and lost a nice one. It was fun to watch Kush bust his fish. Seemed like a lot of jacks moved in in the late morning. The secret to getting fish to the top with long trolling leaders is get controll about 20 ft from the boat, and keep them there. As the fish tires he will rise up then slide him to the to the boat and net. Not really enough room to do that at drano...bruthat it was a circus....You did a great job!
Why is Drano referred to as a lake?
Mike123 you've got a good question.

Congrats Kodiak on the kills...Good Idea on the move as I'm sure the boats hurt peoples' bite on the rocks. This salmon definitely tasted better than my Willamette Salmon I caught but all Springers are soooo tasty.
Mike123 said:
Why is Drano referred to as a lake?

It's basically impounded by the road on the north side of the columbia with only a small outlet...myabe 100 ft. wide where it enters the columbia. there is verry little current, slightly more than foster at the dam.
Kodiak said:
It's basically impounded by the road on the north side of the columbia with only a small outlet...myabe 100 ft. wide where it enters the columbia. there is verry little current, slightly more than foster at the dam.

Hmmm.. interesting.. thanks Kodiak.
Any bank access? Of course, If I was fishing from the bank, I'd probably have to get a WA license as well, huh?
Yes indeed. But its only 42 bucks for an annual WA license if you are out of state. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go out today. But there is a ton of bank access and I saw a few get caught last week.
Lots of guys throwing mag warts and a few guys throwing spinners
So I made a good decision as my boys went out this morning and got skunked @ The Toilet bowl and the weather was nasty.
Drano sucks in the wind, and getting anything done in that constant blow is difficult for sure!
Yep. I was out there today with my buddy and we had a monster lunker on...but my boy lost it right before we netted it. Jacks getting caught left and right but the adults are hard to come bye right now. Luckily I got to drive the boat for a good part of the day. Fun times. Gonna hit up the Clack tomorrow.
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Jack fishin is my favorite. They are the best eating Chinook on the planet. And don't get me started on Coho Jacks! Dang!!
Tell me about it. I cooked up mine this weekend and it was superb. Definitely better than the lunker I caught in the Willy last month. So chrome too. I use to tell people "I don't eat fish"...Boy was I lying. Fresh Salmon is better than Crack. Not that I've ever touched crack..But I can imagine...lol

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