Dodge Park Salmon

I went to dodge park for the first time today. Saw one pulled out but didn't one myself. Shortly after that I went up the road a little bit to a hole called garbage hole. right as i pulled up before i could get my pull out saw someone landing a nice ho. That would make two adult coho and one jake between the two of them. Went down river a few yards and started throwing the blue fox out. About a half hour in to it hooked my first samon ever. Faught the big guy for about 15 minutes got some nice jumps and about less then two feet from me it jump again and Ill be dam if that fish didn't just spit the hook at me. don't think I set the hook good enough or something but oh my it was fun now I know what fish I'm going for from now on. Going to be heading out there again in the morning. So many fish rolling through there not even funny. any one want to go with or meet out there let me know. hope to post again on sat but this time with a pic.
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I was down on the other side of of Dodge today down the dead end road ( is this called the garbage hole ?) for about 2 hours , i drifted eggs the whole time , just the crappy ones i bought from bi mart . It was way more crowded than it was yesterday when i was there , so i didn't get the spot i wanted , and the three guys that were there all landed fish , 3 nice ones between the three of them .

Everyone was using spnners , exept the one guy switched to eggs and caught his fish then switched right back to spinner ... other guys caught thiers with spinners .
Something about spinners

Something about spinners

I was down on the other side of of Dodge today down the dead end road ( is this called the garbage hole ?) for about 2 hours , i drifted eggs the whole time , just the crappy ones i bought from bi mart . It was way more crowded than it was yesterday when i was there , so i didn't get the spot i wanted , and the three guys that were there all landed fish , 3 nice ones between the three of them .

Everyone was using spnners , exept the one guy switched to eggs and caught his fish then switched right back to spinner ... other guys caught thiers with spinners .

With knowlege comes fish.... You should try making your own, something about catching a fish on your own creation. The start up $ isn't as much as you would think...and once you get started; the bug will get you :dance: :dance:

No dice...

No dice...

I just got back form Dodge Park (10:30am) sadly because I had to get back early since I had to move out of my house today. I didn't get any but the guy next to me hooked into one on a spinner but lost it. I didn't see any pulled out this morning but I'm heading back out tomorrow (not sure where yet) if anyone else had any luck let us know. I was fishing about a 1/4 mile up from where you first park on the dead end road in the hole that has the wall/bank on the other side. I was throwing spinners all day but to no avail. better luck tomorrow hopefully
hey...if you can pick me up and drop...i live near mall 205 in se ptld... i can share gas...and mebbe buy bait...eggs..i know its not a good idea but there will be some kinda bait..i'm out of mine....i cure my own...and i've some but it'll take i'll buy some sulphite eggs...and some coon shrimp and we can hit ommorow...if your down for that..lemme know my number is 503-382-9117....i have an accent since i'm originally from india....just to let you know if you reach my voice mail...thanks
Garbage Hole?

Garbage Hole?

I went to dodge park for the first time today. Saw one pulled out but didn't one myself. Shortly after that I went up the road a little bit to a hole called garbage hole. right as i pulled up before i could get my pull out saw someone landing a nice ho. That would make two adult coho and one jake between the two of them. Went down river a few yards and started throwing the blue fox out. About a half hour in to it hooked my first samon ever. Faught the big guy for about 15 minutes got some nice jumps and about less then two feet from me it jump again and Ill be dam if that fish didn't just spit the hook at me. don't think I set the hook good enough or something but oh my it was fun now I know what fish I'm going for from now on. Going to be heading out there again in the morning. So many fish rolling through there not even funny. any one want to go with or meet out there let me know. hope to post again on sat but this time with a pic.

I keep hearing about the garbage hole and was hoping somebody might be kind enough to let me know how to get there. So far I've read it's across from dodge park at the end of a dead end road?
I keep hearing about the garbage hole and was hoping somebody might be kind enough to let me know how to get there. So far I've read it's across from dodge park at the end of a dead end road?

Ive never been there either...heck i just found cedar creek last week. Normally the lower half of the river is my fishing grounds, from Dabney on down to the mouth, and mostly below Lewis and Clark. But Ive been having a lot of fun checkin out new spots! Anyways if it doesn't get posted, maybe one of us will be lucky enough to get a pm...;);):)
Ive never been there either...heck i just found cedar creek last week. Normally the lower half of the river is my fishing grounds, from Dabney on down to the mouth, and mostly below Lewis and Clark. But Ive been having a lot of fun checkin out new spots! Anyways if it doesn't get posted, maybe one of us will be lucky enough to get a pm...;);):)

How's the fishing down in your fishing grounds? I'm just learning the Sandy River and would love to hear any feedback about spots I need to be checking out. I've only been to Cedar Creek twice so far, once above, and once below whe the creek enters the Sandy.
I dont know...

I dont know...

I havent been down in awhile. Been busy with other fishing!:DBeen 'nook fishin the Big C, trying to knock some(coho) out of Eagle Creek, catfishin the Willamette, and 'ho fishin' the uber popular spots on the upper Sandy. But as soon as my left ear lobe turns red, (thats when the winter steel gets hot):cool:I'll be down low all the time, painting the beach red. I havent been down since last winter, but one time and it looks like a different river in a few spots.:think: Gonna have to do some recon!;)
When you go to dodge park look across the streat from there. there is a road that goes to the left and has a dead end sign on it follow it up for about a half mile and you'll see the turn off to the right can't miss it
I keep hearing about the garbage hole and was hoping somebody might be kind enough to let me know how to get there. So far I've read it's across from dodge park at the end of a dead end road?

OK actually the garbage or trash hole isn't at the the end of the road across from the Water bureau building. It's a turn out about 1/3 mile down the dead end road. It's been called the garbage hole for some time as it once was an illegal dump site. It's been cleaned up pretty well since then, But there are still nails and other derbis that can flatten your tires.

The road is directlly across the street from the park entrance and as I said infront of the portland water bureau maint building.
OK actually the garbage or trash hole isn't at the the end of the road across from the Water bureau building. It's a turn out about 1/3 mile down the dead end road. It's been called the garbage hole for some time as it once was an illegal dump site. It's been cleaned up pretty well since then, But there are still nails and other derbis that can flatten your tires.

The road is directlly across the street from the park entrance and as I said infront of the portland water bureau maint building.

Thanks for the info....I just picked up so rattler bells from BC last night, hopefully I'll be able to make it up to the Sandy tomorrow morning and get a nice fish or 3. I'm curious to see what a day and a half of rain will create in terms of hooking fish.
I will be there tomorrow :dance:
Look for the bald guy looking confused :confused:
Maybe someone could give me some tips :pray: so I don't go to the darkside and start snagging in order to get a fish :naughty:
We need hats that say " I'm OFF"
I will be there tomorrow :dance:
Look for the bald guy looking confused :confused:
Maybe someone could give me some tips :pray: so I don't go to the darkside and start snagging in order to get a fish :naughty:
We need hats that say " I'm OFF"
They have stickers you can put on your car or tackle box
Got there at the crack of dawn, already a dozen guys at the garbage hole, gotta love those dedicated fishermen. The Sandy was muddy brown and no one was hitting anything, saw a couple roll though. Stayed until 9 and headed for Eagle Creek, got a couple hits and saw some fish but no love. Caught a little baitfish trout eating my eggs, wrote him a warning sent him home. Anyone have any luck? Tell me it's going to get better.
Sandy River

Sandy River

Started fishing the Sandy a couple of weeks ago. Went up yesterday and looked like chocolate milk. How many days does it take to get back in shape?
Started fishing the Sandy a couple of weeks ago. Went up yesterday and looked like chocolate milk. How many days does it take to get back in shape?

Thanks for the 1st hand river report. Water clarity will depend on the amount of rain we continue to recieve.

24 to 48 hrs is been the rule this season as the sediment from the Marmot dam removal is being picked up off the bank and mixed into the river again, making the sandy even more toiled than usual.

Tues and Friday look to be the next rain event days so I would expect turbis conditions to continue perhaps thruy next weekend.

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