
I've been keeping an eye on one of my favorite holes looking for the tateltales that the fish are in. every night I've been down there the same group of four or five boys has been hamering on smolt. Ive told them trout season is closed and they ignore me. tell them they are catching smolt and hurting future runs..they get all smart alic with me. I've told them five times now and am ready to call the fuzz. They are standard teenage boys 16, 17 ish cause they drive. What would you guys do?
Who cares Phil. Call the Po. Trash like them are not worth thinking about. If they have been informed on more than one occasion, they are purely ignorant. Ignorance is bliss, but don't let it bother you, the number on the back of yer tags takes too long for anyone to show up down there, call the local fuzzers. Tell them what is happening, and take one down to the smolt death hole.
I'd call OSP and wouldn't think twice about it. Being young and stupid is not an excuse for not reading the regs and knowing the laws. You've already warned them, now it's time to make the call.
Yeah, I'd be on the phone with OSP with plate numbers. Especially since you've already told them, and they just don't care.
you gave em a chance, ring em up.
Does someone who has called before want to post the correct OSP line to call regarding this? I'd like to put it in my phone in case I run into this in the future as well :think:
Just hang back 30 feet and start flingin' Raptors at them...err...I mean go down and drag them up the bank by their ears...err...I mean call the Man.
Take pictures of them and call OSP!
Shoot them all...

Shoot them all...

I would shoot them all and leave them to rot.. Sorry I shouldn't have said that...I should have to go to my room for the night.

I would shoot them all and leave them to rot..

Now see, that is just wastefull to let them rot. :naughty: Use them for crawdad bait, or bring in a yote or cougar.
Troutski said:
I would shoot them all and leave them to rot.. Sorry I shouldn't have said that...I should have to go to my room for the night.


:lol::clap: Remind me never to pi** you off trouski.


fishinmachine said:
All kinds of numbers here...
ODFW - Natural Resources Information Management Program - FAQ

I tihnk the TIP line is...
TIP (Turn In Poachers) Program 800-452-7888

Call 911, need medical attention young men down...please hurry they need help; oh - never mind to late;)
I have just about had it with these types, when they are that young and already acting like this; what will they turn out like later. The ones that leave all the trash on the river...

oh darn, there I go again, sorry.

Troutski, I think you are a bit out of control. I am going to have to drink another beer just to calm me down.:D Thanks!


fishinmachine said:
Troutski, I think you are a bit out of control. I am going to have to drink another beer just to calm me down.:D Thanks!

Again, let me apoligize for my lack of control on this issue, as a MOD I should set a far better example... it just frost my $@!!'s that they get away with it.
Thanks for thinking of me though, but you had better make it two beers.

I'd Call the authorities i am the age of these D#ck bags who are doing it and i am completely aware of the rules when it comes to fishing. its not hard to figure it out. if they are down there one more time and you see them call the cops make sure they stay where they are and have them face the penalty of there ignorence
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Thanks for thinking of me though, but you had better make it two beers

You drive a hard bargain sir...but ok, two it is.
Shoot, Chuck, thats what I was gonna say, but I could hear Barb somewhere in my head...."now now boys, this is a....". Your gonna get it now....:lol:;)
You have no choice but to report them. Let them explain to a judge that they don't care about the laws. Might be an eye opening experience. (or it might be the beginning of a long relationship with the criminal justice system)
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Kodiak said:
I've been keeping an eye on one of my favorite holes looking for the tateltales that the fish are in. every night I've been down there the same group of four or five boys has been hamering on smolt. Ive told them trout season is closed and they ignore me. tell them they are catching smolt and hurting future runs..they get all smart alic with me. I've told them five times now and am ready to call the fuzz. They are standard teenage boys 16, 17 ish cause they drive. What would you guys do?


At this point I would call the MAN. You gave them fair warning. Plus, they got smart-mouthy with you so I'd not think twice! What they're doing is hurting the fishery and our children's future outings on the water! Those are the kids who grow up and employ illegal tactics and care more about feeding their egos than improving the fishery. Plus, they will breed, and more bastard kids will be out doing the same thing. Time is of the essence...and so are those smolts they're hammering. Make the call, and know that you have the support of 99% of us OFFers. Seriously, if you need/want some support I'd be happy to accompany you to that hole, with or without the fuzz.

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