derby? near florance......tahkenitch, you in?

who is up for a bass derby in tahkenitch lake? im thinking late may early june! if your interested let me know. there isn't any prizes just bragging rights, and pics! just a shot for a few to get togeather and knock back some bucket mouths!
There aren't any bass in that lake.....its dead
OregonBassTeam said:
There aren't any bass in that lake.....its dead

lol well i was just there two days ago twitching a worm and caught two bucketmoths that were 2-3 lbs and one that was a little over 3 lbs! dont think its dead and by the end of next month im sure they will be even better;)
Didn't fall for that old "line"

Didn't fall for that old "line"

fishndad said:
lol well i was just there two days ago twitching a worm and caught two bucketmoths that were 2-3 lbs and one that was a little over 3 lbs! dont think its dead and by the end of next month im sure they will be even better;)

:clap: :lol:
Be safe.
so anyone who wants to have a good time catching fish lets join up! it will be a great day of fishing
Derby at takenitch

Derby at takenitch

Sounds kinda cool, dont know if Id make the drive over just for bass but could lump in a little salt water or somethin to round it out. Things are usually just gettin real interesting here in the valley about that time. Will keep checkin on ya though never know might if you get somethin organized. Love to fish new water Especialy w/a little hometeam guidence. Only have small livingston and pontoon boats , are they workable for Takenitch or do ya need a motor ?
Finneus Polebender said:
Sounds kinda cool, dont know if Id make the drive over just for bass but could lump in a little salt water or somethin to round it out. Things are usually just gettin real interesting here in the valley about that time. Will keep checkin on ya though never know might if you get somethin organized. Love to fish new water Especialy w/a little hometeam guidence. Only have small livingston and pontoon boats , are they workable for Takenitch or do ya need a motor ?

nope you do not need a motor! its a pretty easy lake to meneuver, and the fishing is fantastic, lots of easy places to get to
fishndad said:
nope you do not need a motor! its a pretty easy lake to meneuver, and the fishing is fantastic, lots of easy places to get to

Awesome I will keep an eye on ya then for a date like I said who knows love new water
sounds good
Sounds good to me too, that's one place that I don't know but wanted to learn to fish over the summer
jhop111 said:
Sounds good to me too, that's one place that I don't know but wanted to learn to fish over the summer

well you are more then welcome to fish right along with us!
OregonBassTeam said:
There aren't any bass in that lake.....its dead

LOL yeah right. I fish Tahkenitch for Coho every year, and have caught every kind of fish imagineable in there. It's a HUGE lake. Very sustainable populations of bass.
Id like to tag along with someone who knows the lake. I fished it years ago but never had a much luck but have heard some awesome war stories about the fishin. I heard that is a regular stop on the B.A.S.S tournament circuit. Dunno how valid it is but would love to try it out.
Drice said:
Id like to tag along with someone who knows the lake. I fished it years ago but never had a much luck but have heard some awesome war stories about the fishin. I heard that is a regular stop on the B.A.S.S tournament circuit. Dunno how valid it is but would love to try it out.

well ill be pontooning it if you have one as well or a float device you could tag along and ill show ya the best parts of the lake!
Contact ODFW and OSP

Contact ODFW and OSP

You better contact the ODFW and OSP it is a law that they be notified 10 days prior to and fishing tournament,derby etc.You can be cited and boaters must display contest banners
Bassdad54 said:
You better contact the ODFW and OSP it is a law that they be notified 10 days prior to and fishing tournament,derby etc.You can be cited and boaters must display contest banners
I don't think this will be classified as an actual derby, but rather a get together of people with similar interests, catching bass and having fun doing it. There will be no actual prizes, etc. So the ODFW and OSP laws don't really apply. It's just people getting together to fish and brag about who gets the bigger fish
JeannaJigs said:
I don't think this will be classified as an actual derby, but rather a get together of people with similar interests, catching bass and having fun doing it. There will be no actual prizes, etc. So the ODFW and OSP laws don't really apply. It's just people getting together to fish and brag about who gets the bigger fish

exactly! it says it all in my first post! i wouldnt consider this a tournament at all just a bragging rights fishin and fun filled day!
You are advertising a Derby?

You are advertising a Derby?

Not trying to ruin your fun just want you to be aware that if someone that is trying to sponsor or host a get together then it could be condsidered a tournament,derby etc...Our bass club is not a big club with maybe 6-7 boats usally.You dont have to give prizes or anything.A small club was cited last year at Cottage Grove for not contacting anyone. The"group of guys that are fishing to have brag rights" you still have the "group" of guys.You are advertising on here Derby anyone?I have seen many times on here some one advertising on having a derby for somewhere.The officals can be real nasty about things if they want to.We as a small club have run into strict by the book officals a time or two and just want you to be aware and not have problems.


Our club is just a group of guys getting together for some fun and bragging rights as well.We do give plaques for 1,2,3 place and have option pot. You do not have to have a bass boat just a boat with a live well(cooler with areator)that can keep your fish alive if you want to weigh them in.

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