Depoe Bay Halibut

I happened to run into a charter boat captain in Toledo on Wednesday. He told me that he took some people out early last week out of Depoe Bay and they hooked and landed an 160# halibut in 60 feet of water! Now wouldn't that just make your heart go pitter pat?
Chief Jim
It wasn't caught in the Depoe Bay harbor--water in there is probably less than 20 feet, even in the channel. This thing was caught between the first and second buoys outside the harbor.
Chief Jim
Wow is right!

Thats very interesting. Makes me want to go drift a little!

I spent many months in Alaska on my grandfathers boat when I was younger. We anchored in secluded coves and inlets most of the time. Every night we would put out a pole and lower a weight and mooching rig with some herring on it over the side to the bottom. We caught a number of halibut that way. Granted we had all the time in the world. Two of them were over 100 lbs and none of them were in more than 40 feet of water. I just didn't know you could catch them in water that shallow off the oregon coast!

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