Cured Fingers

Im sure there is someone who has had experience with this. I used cured eggs for fishing for years when I was younger, always borax based, and usually only borax. So a couple years ago I started using cures with sodium sulfite and since then I have been more or less curing my fingers. My friends I fish with dont have this problem, so I assume that I am just ultra-sensitive to the cure. I have tried using gloves, but I still touch my rods/reels/oars, and as soon as I take my gloves off I get it on me.

I finally got tired of dealing with this and I have banned sodium solfite from my life, and I have gone back to a borax/sugar/salt style cure, but after a few weeks of using these sulfite free cure I feel like my hands feel like they are getting cured again. Anyone think that maybe I have developed an allergic reaction to something I am not seeing?

But seriously, you're probably allergic to one or more of the ingredients. Have you been tested for allergies? If not, that might be the thing to do.
Very common problem. I know at least four people and myself included that have a similar ish. I use gloves. There's no way around it. At the end of the day I use a salve on my hands to soothe.
Yeah Im trying to get through my denial, it just gets old having my fingers peal for 2 weeks straight. Ill have to get better about lotioning up at the end of the day.
Aveeno is my best friend. They also have a bath solution, fill the sink with warm water and the aveeno bath solution and let em soak for fifteen minutes after you get home from fishing. Your hands will thank you.
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