Some of the best crawdading around can be found in the Clay creek /whitacker creek and the Siuslaw river above mapleton . generally best towards mid august -late sept . Get ya some beef liver and let it sit out and spoil . Throw it in a bait cage find a narrow spot in the creek /river and hold it to the bottom using river rock . Get some 1/2 in mesh nets and go down stream 100yrds I usually strap a 5 gal bucket to my side through my belt . all ya gotta do is work your way to the bait netting them all the way there. Great fun slippin and slidin with the kids on a hot summer day ,and a tasty treat to boot ! Although you prob already know just grab the middle section of the tail give a half twist and pull to remove the poopshoot boil and enjoy . Been a while since Ive went after them so check the regs not sure if you need a license ,and dont know what bag limits are . Used to be no license required think limit was 100 each but I would recomend you check . Caught one in whitaker creek one year that measured almost 8 in. There are campgrounds at both whitaker and Clay creeks ,however I would do my crawdadin some where other than right at camp those stretches get picked on pretty hard ! good luck and let us know how ya do!