Crawdad bait?

how do you use the catfood? open the can partway and put it in there? dump the food into the trap?

I've heard that tunafish in oil works pretty well. is that true?
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how do you use the catfood? open the can partway and put it in there? dump the food into the trap?

I've heard that tunafish in oil werks pretty well. is that true?

Exactly, just poke some holes in the can. I am not sure of Tuna but I would think it would be good.


Mine is Bacon, yes like a charm. The great thing is once your done and get home you still have the extra bacon to fry up and have with breakfast.
Now lets see what every one does with there you eat them, or use them for bait? Just courious...

Very carefully

Very carefully

I never had to use bait,unless it's legal to call a nine year old boy and twelve year old girl "bait". My kids used to have a competition seeing who could find the most to put into the old pickle jar. My daughter had the technique down pat, my son was just plain scared of 'em but determined. Of course, we let them all go before we left for home. Watch those pinchers! Be safe.
I haven't eatin any in years but I do have fond memories of it. I'll have to try and catch some this summer to see if my taste buds are still in order.
In the summertime when i was catfishin' at nite sometimes i wood catch me some crawdaddies.......................:lol::lol::lol:

I wood put some nightcrawler on a hook, stand by the water, spot crawdads close to the bank with a waterproof lantern flashlight, they grabbed worm, i yanked them ashore after i drug them in close..........................:lol::lol::lol:.................put them ina 5 gallon plastic bucket. Pick them up behind claws...............:shock::shock:

I think the most i got in an evening was about 140...............:cool::cool::cool:

my bass lovem


When you my, does that mean you have a pond? :dance:
I want to dig a pond too... but I dont have a good idea of what it should look like

After as many years that I have fished down here, I just feel like I have caught each one of these Trout at least once and now we have a bond..;) Its a personal thing...
If you are interested in putting in a pond that will hold and grow fish, check with your local ODFW office; they have a ton of free information on the dos and don't s of ponding.

Not a puddle

Not a puddle

I should look like a big hole in the ground with water in it.:D

Don't listen to him FishSchooler. He doesn't even know when he's looking at a mud puddle!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Any true Oregonian knows you have to put a plastic bag down first. :dance: :clap: :dance:
Seriously, drop into any landscape company or Lowes or H.Depot or a florist shop. If you want to have bass, you nave to have shelter,water filter,water pump and trees for them to play peek-a-boo with you. Have fun. Be safe.


You should talk to Bentrod on the site, he has a pond and a few years ago he raised a few Rainbows in it.....I should let him tell the story. Shoot him a PM

It looked like a mudhole over four lustrums ago...but now she looks as what mother nature made...fed by artesian springs...........................:D

i'm very fortunate.

i put in a few water lilies. They spread more each year with beautiful blossums.

cattails & water edge grasses started on their own.

i am the caretaker, & love watching the life evolve.....................
I've heard a can of cat food with holes poked in... I've used chicken bones (that's the best... a nice picnic by the river, then you tie strings to the bones and wait until the crawfish grab 'em to haul 'em in)...

Currently, I have a few zip-ties in my crawdad trap and a couple of small tins of "SPAM® Spread" in there... I plan to test-drive that as a bait... I expect good things... and easy to use, too, just poke two holes for the zip-tie, pull up on the ring to crack open the lid of the tin, tie it down and it's already ready already...

'Course, when I was a kid, we'd go to the rocky area down by Linslaw Boat Ramp with nets mad of those plastic mesh bags that oranges come in, strung on wire coat hangers... stick the net in the water behind the li'l beastie, put your hand down in front of it to startle it, and it'll swim right back into your net... mmmmmmm mini-lobster...
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