Community owned boat idea

Well-known member
Dear OFFers,

I had an idea that I wanted to share and get feedback on. Most of us who do not have a boat would probably enjoy having access to one. But there can be challenges to owning a boat, coming up with the money for one, storage, etc. However, if we banded together, perhaps we could communally own and enjoy a boat.

I noticed that OFFers share many things with each other, like poles, waders, reels etc. So why not a boat?

Maybe we would not even need to buy a boat. Maybe we could find a fixer upper on craigslist, or someone on the forum would be up for donating one. We could piecemeal it together, motor, trailer and all that.

The boat could 'go from hand to hand'. We could make a monthly schedule and we could each claim a date and when it is your turn you could pick it up from the previous user and the next member would pick it up from you and so on.

Please let me know what you think about this idea and how many of you would be willing to participate.
I often think the same way and wonder why we dont do more things like that. I won't be a part for obvious reasons, but deep down somewhere, i think im a socialist:). I like the idea. You gotta find the right people, with similar values, for it to work. jmho.
I think that is a GREAT idea!!! There is nothing socialist about it... If I loaned a buddy a rod and a reel and was asked whether or not it would be ok if he loaned it to a friend who then also asked if he could loan it to another friend and so on... So long as everyone involved was responsible I wouldn't mind a bit nor would I think any of them held that ideology. Of course if I never got it back I would assume one of them was a thief! :lol::lol: A boat can be a bit more spendy than a rod and reel so naturally it would take more than one person to pull it off. When I was younger my folks owned some land right on a lake. From the very start there was a lot that the Homeowners Accociation deemed legally usable by any guest of any property owner within the subdivision, complete with a boat. It worked wonderfully and I can't tell you the number of families I witnessed just just having the time of their lives for they very rarely found that kind of opportunity. It is a very common procedure, for example a park area within an apartment complex that is furnishes with a couple pick-nic tables, a pond in a city park with a few paddle boats citizens can rent. Or perhaps a public library.

If there is anything a banker would love to have access to it's a boat. If ever an opportunity came along where I could help a person experience what it's really like to "be on the water"; to make the fishing experience that much more enjoyable I would be more than willing! After all, a large part of the existence of this site consists of that very intention! I know that 99% of my participation does!
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yes,very interested,having had a chance to experience troutski,s magic carpet
it is more productive than standing on the bank and watching fish rising just out of casting range.
One way to make this work without too much money out of pocket for repairs and upkeep would be to charge a small fee for use of the boat ($5 -$20.00) and put this fee in a maintenance fund. I would also want a refundable deposit to be put down on the boat (this helps people keep the boat in good repair as they want their money from the deposit back upon turning the boat over to the next person).

The deposit could go to the boat owner and would be returned to the boat user when the next in line for the boat sent an e-mail to the owner stating that all is well with the boat and that it is in good repair. this would require a checklist to be made for what to inspect on the boat.

I think the idea of a community owned boat could work well.

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