Columbia slough catfish noodling!!!

wow, maybe i should just shoot myself! yes, i am 15, so sorry if i offended anybody . didn't really think anybody cared about the slough, but know i know that people (and game wardens:rolleyes:) obviously do. thanks for all the backup though:clap::D
Well I will admitt I was wrong. Sometimes I just take offence and that gets in the way of my better judgement.

I regret some stuff in life but being a kid is not one of them.
I used to TP houses. I understand there is a law against that. How I would LOVE to do it again....also, seal bombs in mailboxes, joyriding in parents cars, drag racing an 82 Rabbit.....There are laws against everything a young man would like to do, especially in the Peoples Republic of Portland, Comrades...

On topic of course,

I read about "sturgeon balls" on the Columbia, and imagine this was a similar phenomena?
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