
I am new to off. I have been trying to fish the Santiam I-5 bridge but no luck so far. Any tips on gear? I was also wondering when would be a good time to go this week due to the rain. Any help would nice.

size4 spinners with scent drifting corkies with roe or jigs under a float. if yo don't want to fish the muddy waters just wait about 2 days after the rains.

Thanks Brandon,
I have tried floating roe, srimp, and jigs. I have also tried a #3 brass spinner with no luck. I give the scent a try. I the I-5 bridge a good spot? I have been just down from the boat ramp.
try pink purple or black colors. ive found them to work the best. steelhead1 brings up a great point coho can be found pretty well because they splash and roll a lot. i'm not an expert on the santiam but maybe a few other guys can help you with areas to fish. tight lines,

probably have a better chance catching a salmon (nook or coho but you can't keep the cohos) heading towards the alsea instead of the santiam. winters i go towards the alsea, summers i'm on the santiam.
I have been down there 4 times over the last couple of weeks. Have not seen anything other than some half pounders jumping. Figured for sure with the amount of fish the paper says coming over the falls that fish would be there. I have been thinking of launching my aluminum there just not sure of the river if this is advisable.
The majority of the coho that go over the falls are destined for the Molalla, Tualatin and Yamhill Rivers. There will be some further up the Willamette than that but fishing would be spotty at best. Your best bet for getting coho will definitely be coastal. With that said if you want to fish the Santiam get there early like hour before sunrise early and I would use a #4 spinner in red and white or bubble gum.
Thanks everyone. I saw a few roll last week but nothing this week. I drive home from portland and stop there before sunset so I will keep everyone posted. I would like to try the alsea but dont really know any good spots. Does anyone fish the willamette by albany for salmon or steelhead? I have a boat and know where there are a few deep holes (10-20ft) just down river from albany. I haven't ever seen anyone fishing it though.
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