Coho on the fly... anyone?

does any of you fly guys swing for coho?

if so, what kind of flies? big, small, colors? i like swinging intruders and leeches, but would it be better to go small - nymphs, risers, hairwings?
This guy fell to a fly yesterday. My favorite for coho are dark colored nymphs. Usually pretty big but when the fish get spooky, I go very small and light leader. My favorite color is an olive green. I have also caught them on egg pattern flys, and I sometimes run regular drift setups off the fly rod too.
This guy fell to a fly yesterday. My favorite for coho are dark colored nymphs. Usually pretty big but when the fish get spooky, I go very small and light leader. My favorite color is an olive green. I have also caught them on egg pattern flys, and I sometimes run regular drift setups off the fly rod too.

niiiice... and thanks for the info.

jimmy I am going to try tonight... i'm tossing the whole fly box at em...!

well, make sure to let us know what worked better... the flies or the box. :D
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jimmy I am going to try tonight... I'm tossing the whole fly box at em...!

Do you want to try again? I just bought a 10WT rod from WW Grigg and want someone to show me how to use it. I'm thinking of heading to Oxbow on Thursday, any suggestions will be appreciated. Any help and I'll buy lunch!

White (or white and pink) wooly bugger (sparse) with silver crystal flash. Swing then strip 3"-6" a second. Croft spiders and comets also work very well, sparse is key. Les Johnson and Bruce Ferguson's "Fly Fishing for Pacific Salmon II" is a great book to own. BTW, I met Bruce a couple years back while fishing for resident coho around the Tacoma area; great man and has a lot of useful knowledge on fly fishing for all types of salmon. I went out and bought his book the next day and I'm very glad I did... nymphing also works.
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