coho on a nightcrawler?

I ran into an old timer one time who swore he nails coho on nightcrawlers. I think it would work well for steelhead, but salmon I dunno
I just seen this on Ifish.. same post? lol.

I've seen chinook and coho eat a worm.. but your gonna get a lot of trout and maybe a steelhead before you get that coho.
I think it's probably the action. I caught a springer on a purple bass worm before! haha.
Try a red/orange corky and worm. Let us know if it works out! Might be something I want to try next time out.
It DOES work. But, it works best if you slide your worm onto a Jig Head w/ a bobber...just like drifting for summers. The reason that it works (and Mike got one w/ a purple bass worm too); is that Salmon eat Eels! And the jig head drifted worm (ala bass worm) looks like an eel. Go for it!
can't make it to the sandy tommarrow, my dad lost his wallet and doesn't want to drive with out it, so I guess I will just ride my bike to a nearby lake. Owell, at least I'm not at school.
That all may be true. But eels are a natural food source (even freshwater eels for trout and other species). So, night crawlers imitate them. And, it probably triggers some sort of natural instinct in the fish (not that they are necessarily hungry).
Also to add on that note... an egg sucking leech pattern is a proven killer. It's been said fish attack it because they think the leech is eating all their babies.. haha. Worm and a puff ball or corkie looks a lot like the egg sucking leech pattern.
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