Coho bag limit increase

Update catch limits on coho for the Santiam/Mollala.

Good to see and great to attempt 3 Fish days.
LOL, for me 1 seems optimistic.
I's an attempt to keep the coho from proliferating in the willamette system..thats why they allow you to keep "naitive" coho. I'm of the opinion they should be trying to get these runs to proliferate instead of removal. I personally refuse to keep coho from the santiam. ODFW kills any coho that enters minto trap.
It does seem quite rediculous that they don't want coho in the Willamette system. There is plenty of room in all the Willy tribs for a big run of coho. What is the reasoning behind this?
does this also include the clackamas? and only hatchery fish right?
Steelhead..It's because some in ODFW thinks its not possible for coho to have naturally spawned above willamette above willamette falls they are seen as an invasive speicies.

Plunkme>>>Eagle creek hatchery is reducing thier run to be 1000 returning adults..thats it. They are going to a year round chinook fishery..probably not the most intellegent thing they could do IMO.
abundancy of fish is never gonna hurt anything but its not about quantity here....for state its money game and totally money game.....the idea of conservation and protection of species is long lost.....and the honest truth which pertains to this theory is that there are more wildlife conservation programs going on ( both ways....monetarily funded and the actual work force ) by NGO's and volunteers then any state or fed.

Sorry i didn't mena to hijack the thread but the fish flow and hatchery closures and runs of fish me it all seems to be motivated by one idea........the most obvious root of all evil.

PS: Please don't take me as animal right activist or god i love to hunt and fish and have a very "itchy" finger when it comes to pull just don't appreciate it to make it all commercialised.
Well there goes the last few Cohos an all the steelhead in the Molalla.
So much for catching salmon in walking distance
Please don't take me as animal right activist or god i love to hunt and fish and have a very "itchy" finger when it comes to pull just don't appreciate it to make it all commercialised.

You should come to next CRC meeting...not about doing nothing...we are going after this thing.
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Eagle creek hatchery is reducing thier run to be 1000 returning adults..thats it. They are going to a year round chinook fishery..probably not the most intellegent thing they could do IMO.

That's a joke right?
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i don't think kodiak jokes about these matters...
ninja2010 said:
i don't think kodiak jokes about these matters...

Ya, just wishful thinking I guess.
I wish I was. Last winter the hatchery stopped allowing winters to return above the falls on E.C. I wouldnt be a bit supprised if the falls got closed again this fall after a certain amount of Coho made it to the hatchery....send letters and get mad.
Im a little confused where do the eggs for the hatcheries come from? I thought they got them from wild fish raised them to 6" an then turned them loose.
If that's the case what does it matter if hatchery fish spawn? I hear about the wild gene pool an dot get it even if the fish aren't from wild fish they were at one time right? so teh Gene pool can't be that messed up.:confused:
Markcanby said:
Im a little confused where do the eggs for the hatcheries come from? I thought they got them from wild fish raised them to 6" an then turned them loose.
If that's the case what does it matter if hatchery fish spawn? I hear about the wild gene pool an dot get it even if the fish aren't from wild fish they were at one time right? so teh Gene pool can't be that messed up.:confused:

Hi, My name is Kodiak and I will be teaching this semesters class on hatchery fish genetics are hosed 101, with the second part of the class gill netters suck 102. It has become painfully obvious that anytime man medals with anything from nature we inveriably screw it up. The same holds true for salmonids. Naturally hen salmon are out numbered by males approx. 4 to 1. Through natural selection process the hens will select the best buck to breed for her. This process produces smolt with an approx. return rate of 10/100 or 10% recruitment to adult upstream spawners. These smolt in the rivers must learn to fend for them selves from an early age, and avoid predators. For some unknown reason when we breed in hatcheries the salmon and steelhead loose approximently 70% of thier natural survival skills, and return rates plumet to 3% on a good river to places like the sandy with 0.8% return rate. The next generation would then retain 30% of thier parents 30% and so on. After Only three generations the fish are no longer the same diplaying a slightly different look and vastly diffrent habits and less willing to bite in fresh water. With the genetic and survival traits altered, the hatchery fish then escape hatchery traps and reach naitive spawning beds, where they can and do breed with wild fish. So when a fish shows up on the spawn beds with 1 to 2% of the survival skills of naitive fish they have retarded children less than 10% survival instinct, and a waste of wild fish genetics. If you ever have fished fall chinook wild fish on the coast vs. hatchery springers the number of fish you hook on the coast is almost tripple, the fight is diffrent and the wild fishes will to survive.
Kodiak said:
I wish I was. Last winter the hatchery stopped allowing winters to return above the falls on E.C. I wouldnt be a bit supprised if the falls got closed again this fall after a certain amount of Coho made it to the hatchery....send letters and get mad.

There were winters above the falls last winter, although I only wen't up there a few times I managed to find a few. When did they close the gate on the ladder?
metalmania said:
There were winters above the falls last winter, although I only wen't up there a few times I managed to find a few. When did they close the gate on the ladder?

I'm not sure exactley, ask Osmosis he knows better than I do.
Kodiak said:
You should come to next CRC meeting...not about doing nothing...we are going after this thing.

when and where is it....
'll let you know...probably mid to end of sept.

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