Coho are you there ?

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i was just curious if anybody has any insider info on the sandy the paper said there was gonna be fish comeing in the mouth of the sandy until mid november this was about three weeks back so i stopped fishing for awhile and was deer hunting thinking i still would have a little time to get some coho does anybody think the paper was lying or are we still gonna get a few more out of the sandy just curious thanks for any input and by the way i am aware the rivers a little high gonna head down if we get in the 9ft range :pray:
Diehard said:
i was just curious if anybody has any insider info on the sandy the paper said there was gonna be fish comeing in the mouth of the sandy until mid november this was about three weeks back so i stopped fishing for awhile and was deer hunting thinking i still would have a little time to get some coho does anybody think the paper was lying or are we still gonna get a few more out of the sandy just curious thanks for any input and by the way i am aware the rivers a little high gonna head down if we get in the 9ft range :pray:

Not sure. See, it is usually closed now (Oct. 31,deadline most seasons). Haven`t seen anything worth takin home lately but been fighting `em. Lot`s around and they are bitin.
one more

one more

thanks for the reply im gonna try and get out this wk hopefully and will report any and all chromers i need one more a year is along time
Talked to Rick at the reel tackle shop in Sandy and he says that they are trickling in. give him a call at 503 668-5791 for current info
if anyone heads out and wants some company let me know i got a new rod that i would like to break in befor winters get here. I know we might not get anything worth keeping but im good with just C&R
foiled again

foiled again

i might try sunday water is still to high needs to be around 9ft for me to attempt it if you do go try fishing close tothe banks in any slackish water you can find those fish are gonna be scattered


hate to say this but edible coho on the Sandy is over - went to Dodge this morning - 0 - can't complain I did O.K. this year -
personally , i wouldnt bother . might pick up a semi bright but few and very far between . get your gear ready for winters . or head to the wilson .


im gonna head to the nehalem r. in about three wks ive fished the wilson a handful of times theres no fish in there or i dont no the river at all but i think your right about the sandy oh well sthlhd right around the corner im gonna land one on a jig this year a big one
There's quite a few fish still in the Wilson. You just gotta move around to find them.
well there are fish in the wilson it has not evan got its main run of nooks it is a later run than most december is the best months for nooks
beaverfan said:
There's quite a few fish still in the Wilson. You just gotta move around to find them.

There are a fair amount of coho up high bit ithink he was referring to the lack of nooks that usually don't go up that high.
monday morn report cdr crk

monday morn report cdr crk

well i made it out the fishn was great better than spending my morn'n on the couch on guy caught a small chinook there were a pair of old boots jumpin at the crk water was pretty good hooked zero fish ok i give up time for winters
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