It's really great to see folks talking about Jed's spinner designs and methods. I've had a copy of his book, since the mid-80's. IMHO, it is the DEFINITIVE book on making spinners to match conditions.
Tape on the inside (back) of the blade (or the front side), allows the fish to see one color coming at them. Then, right when the spinner passes by the fish's cone of vision--it suddenly appears to change color or "flash" at them. That's what triggers their aggressive nature, and produces a strike.
Quote from Moosebonsai: "Jed suggest color selection in contrast to the sky; if it is sunny then he suggest a duller color like black and overcast skies will require shinny silvers."
From my recollection--and if I'm not mistaken--I believe that this is opposite of what Jed wrote about. If I am wrong, I apologize. But, I think this is correct; and here is why.
The first time that I made a batch of spinners (per Jed's designs); I made some size 3's. Each spinner was the same. They were ALL black. Each had a black blade, black body (i.e. the weights), dark hook, and a piece of black tubing slipped over the shank of the hook. I did NOT add any tape of any kind. So, they were very "plain" in appearance.
I ventured out, with these black spinners, on a day much like today (cloudy, drizzly, etc). In other words, it was not a sunny day--and the water was murky too. So, I used dark spinners on a dark day and in darkish water. I waded out waste deep, and eyed the water. Aha! A hen making a nest under a fallen tree. I cast a spinner upstream from her schnoz. To my surprise...BAM! Her hubby smacked my spinner with brute force! (Guess he didn't want me foolin' with his lady...LOL). After I released him (a soreback), I proceeded to hook into 3 more big nooks that day.
That was the day that I decided, that Jed knew his stuff. I cannot recommend his book highly enough. If you are able to find one...get a 1st or 2nd Edition copy. Those have better color plates than the following edition(s).
P.S. Whoops. I just realized that this veered OFF topic. Sorry. But, you can use Jed's methods on any stream...including the Clackamas. I hope that she enjoys the flowers that you gave her.