circus on the clack!!!

Ok so i went to mciver park today for the first time and what a zoo, i was able to get spot away from the 30+ people but as i watched everyone fish i couldn't help to think that it was a hook setting ritual going on. It was very comical while i fished. I would have thought some of those guys where fishing for some sturgeon by the way they set the hook. I didn't have time to explore more but at that spot is there a place to drift fish down river?
Fieldheimers? Could I get some directions/landmarks to help me get there? -- I'm assuming it's right off Springwater somewhere?

Take Fieldhiemers Rd about 2.5 miles North of McIver Park. I don't know if it is Springwater Rd, It's on that same main road you are on when you turn into McIver. There is a boat launch and some good water if you have waders...or even if you don't and don't mind getting damp.
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