Carp yet?

im new to carp fishing and i was wondering if anybody knows when the carp will start biting. im going to be fishing east salish pond and the coulmbia slough mainly. any tips would be a greatly appreciated!! thanks

im new to carp fishing and i was wondering if anybody knows when the carp will start biting. im going to be fishing east salish pond and the coulmbia slough mainly. any tips would be a greatly appreciated!! thanks

if you change up your tactics i believe carp can be caught year long, theres im sure a high season and a low season but i dont think weather determines theyre feeding habits as on or off... i would assume they feed more in the spring to gain energy to spawn by what i have noticed in theyre behavior over the years i see lots of activity from april-late may here
I got a tip... in about 3 weeks go to the north pond at trojan ponds ( the square one on your left when you pull in ) there has to be about 300 carp in there, they turn the whole edge of the pond brown when they are spawning they are so thick.. I was going to kill them with my bow, but since I have seen in what high regards some of you hold them... I didn't, now go catch one so I don't regret giving them quarter- Brad
I got a tip... in about 3 weeks go to the north pond at trojan ponds ( the square one on your left when you pull in ) there has to be about 300 carp in there, they turn the whole edge of the pond brown when they are spawning they are so thick.. I was going to kill them with my bow, but since I have seen in what high regards some of you hold them... I didn't, now go catch one so I don't regret giving them quarter- Brad
I would go with ya for some bow action.. just don't ask me to go get your arrow back.. I ant touching a carp over an arrow!
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