Carp fishing spots

Hi there guys,

New around this forum, but I have been fishing most of my life. I am trying to line up a carp day this weekend, any advice? I have fished the channels at Sauvie Island, with some success, but I was wondering if there are any other recommended spots for winter carp. I have seen some catching carp at Bethany, are there any places that you guys like, I would prefer to get away from the city a bit if possible.
St Louis Ponds has some 10# to 20# carp.
Come to Salem if you ever get a chance, I fish a slough on the Willamette and a 9lber is considered a small fish, and if you fish until night, your bound to catch something. Getting away from the city to go Carp fishing is kinda tricky around here though.

Look into the Smith and Bybee wetlands, I have seen a youtube video showing mass amounts of carp trying to get passed a gate, I just don't know about the regulations (maybe it's got a restoration project???)
Been fishing for carp at Bethany for the last few weeks. To be honest it's VERY slow there at the moment. The carp there are not feeding during the day. Hopefully that will change once the water warms up a bit. I prefer fishing still waters simply because of the 2 rod rule, so I haven't tried any of the rivers.
well the only place i have fished for carp is in fern ridge and that was from the bank my big one there was only a 7 and3/4 Lb but i'm sure there are biger ones in there but its kinda in the city and right now not too much water in there ether
Thanks for all the response guys, did some driving around this weekend to check some spots out.

I went to the Smith and Bybee lakes, tough to find a place to cast, I went through the entrance off of Marine Drive, so I check the place out a bit, but did no fishing. Huge lakes, would be interesting to find some good spots there. Drove to Fairview lake, it was windy, and that place is pretty muddy. Right off the main road (Fairview Lake road maybe???), at the docks, there was a Russian old guy, fishing right off the bottom he got 4 fish in the two hours we were there, so he was doing pretty good. I think key there is to find a place that is not too muddy, I could literally feel my sinker going into the mud and water looked really muddy.

Lastly, stopped by Bethany, maybe I saw you there Topbloke? The british accent guys there had some top notch carp gear (thats me being jealous there...), but it seemed to be pretty slow fishing wise. I will try to do some more looking around next weekend, I know that Sauvie Island is so far the best place I have seen, but it wont open for a few more weeks. I drive the main road towards the back side of the island, and there are some nice channels up there where I always seem to catch some really nice carp and the occasional small cat fish.
Yes, I was there at Bethany on Saturday. There were two other English guys over there as well.

The best place I've found is on Sauvie Island too. The carp I've caught there have been small but plentiful - even managed to catch a mirror carp over there. Pretty sure there are some larger carp there, just not had much luck catching them. Only been using sweetcorn as bait but have now got a proper carp rod and gonna try with some other baits such as boilies, tigernuts and chickpeas.
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Has anyone smoked carp?
Yea, that was me and a mate you saw, carp bloke was just up the lake a bit further.

When you told us about the russians have good results at bluelake we hit it up on sunday with no luck, it was pretty cold though and a very cold breeze. We've not been having much luck carping latly due to the high pressure last week making night temps drop to the 30's. We actually fished blue lake, not fairview probably why we couldn't replicate the russians! That muddy water is an excellent indicator to carp feeding though, wish I stopped and looked before heading home.

Excellent seeing more and more anglers target carp, they are definitely gaining momentum and respect as a true sportfish in this neck of the woods. Always seem to draw a crowd pulling in 10lbers when they are used to seeing tiny 10inch stocked trout all the time :)

cdumitru78 said:
Thanks for all the response guys, did some driving around this weekend to check some spots out.

I went to the Smith and Bybee lakes, tough to find a place to cast, I went through the entrance off of Marine Drive, so I check the place out a bit, but did no fishing. Huge lakes, would be interesting to find some good spots there. Drove to Fairview lake, it was windy, and that place is pretty muddy. Right off the main road (Fairview Lake road maybe???), at the docks, there was a Russian old guy, fishing right off the bottom he got 4 fish in the two hours we were there, so he was doing pretty good. I think key there is to find a place that is not too muddy, I could literally feel my sinker going into the mud and water looked really muddy.

Lastly, stopped by Bethany, maybe I saw you there Topbloke? The british accent guys there had some top notch carp gear (thats me being jealous there...), but it seemed to be pretty slow fishing wise. I will try to do some more looking around next weekend, I know that Sauvie Island is so far the best place I have seen, but it wont open for a few more weeks. I drive the main road towards the back side of the island, and there are some nice channels up there where I always seem to catch some really nice carp and the occasional small cat fish.
cdumitru78 said:
Hi there guys,

New around this forum, but I have been fishing most of my life. I am trying to line up a carp day this weekend, any advice? I have fished the channels at Sauvie Island, with some success, but I was wondering if there are any other recommended spots for winter carp. I have seen some catching carp at Bethany, are there any places that you guys like, I would prefer to get away from the city a bit if possible.

One place that I'm pretty sure carp hang out is Force Lake, near Heron Lakes Golf Course and the Portland Expo Center. It's really easy to get to, about a mile west of I-5, on Force Avenue. I saw a couple guys fishing there last summer so I pulled over and asked them what they were targeting, and they were after Carp and Flatheads. They weren't very friendly so I didn't ask them what they were using or how they were doing though.

However, if you're looking to get out of the city then this may not be the place for you. It's on the edge of a pretty industrial area.
where at sauvies island do yo guys go fish?

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